Mattheo riddle- prank

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I really hope I met the criteria of fluff then hot make out session. Maybe I took it to far at the end but it's okay- Thank-you for the request  JimmyWiki

I had been ridiculously bored during mine and Mattheo's study session. He was being a good boy and actually studying. I on the other hand was doing everything I could to distract him. "Theo please pay attention to me." I whined and it seemed he finally broke because he snapped the book shut and turned to face me. "You really want my attention don't you?" He laughed and I grinned nodding getting a well deserved kiss.

"I want to show you something." I smiled and he raised his eyebrows. "Go on darling." He encouraged and I giggled moving a chair to sit next to him. "Imma show you a magic trick." I could see the caution in his eyes. "Get that look out of your eye Thankyou " I scoffed and he laughed.

"Place your wallet on the table and stay still." He did as instructed. The questioning look all over his face. "Okay now what?" He asked and I smiled spinning in my chair.


"What do you call a broke and dumb man?" The questioning was replaced with confusion as he pretended to think. " I don't know tell me princess?" The nickname almost made me feel bad. 

Almost being the key word because when he finished his sentence I lightly slapped him, grabbed his wallet and scampered away yelling "YOU!" As I ran for my damn life.

I had to run because I heard him curse and start to chase me. Once we were out of the library I began to laugh like a maniac and he began to curse me out.

"PRINCESS FUCKING COME BACK HERE BEFORE I CATCH YOU AND MAKE YOU REGRET YOUR CHOICES!" Was the one that made me stop. My degrading kink is so bad something that small can make me need a second to compose my self but that 2 seconds I stopped was enough for him to catch me and contain me.

By contain me he had pinned against the wall. My hands above my hand locked in one of his hands and he had a firm grip on my waist. "Give me back my wallet." He ordered and I smiled leaning forward to brush my nose with his. "If you find it. Take it." A challenge- challenging him- I was dead.

He kept my hands pinned but his other hand began to roam my entire body. Over my clothes and then he went underneath looking everywhere- yet still being the teasing dirtbag he was.

He had put his hands almost everywhere besides from in my bra and in my underwear. "God you are desperate baby. Making me search your body just so I could touch you. That was a good plan until you had to pick your poison. Actually no- you being a slut is exactly what you've done. You knew I'd fuck you anyway so you got both areas covered."

He slipped his hand under my bra and found his wallet. "Ta da." "In my defence- most girls use there bras as pockets!" I defended and he scoffed.

"You have no defence- now shut up." He whispered crashing out lips together. Oh how fun punishment- why I did this in the first place. He didn't give me a chance to fight over who had dominance here, even when he let me be on top I would have been kidding myself to say I was in charge. He was in charge, he would always have dominance over me.

The real joke was that I used to be an innocent little kid until I met him. Now he corrupted me and I never ever want to go back.

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