Phoenix- George weasley

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This is from a second george weasley dr i recently made and this maybe my favourite dr ever ill do a chapter on it soon; I'll tittle it Phoenix obvi 

George and fred weasley weren't exactly the biggest fan of Phoenix Bree sallow  for there first 4 years at hogwarts. It was in there nature to be enemies. Phoenix was from a wealthy well respected, pureblood family. The twins were from a poor 'blood traitorous' one. Nix was a slytherin chaser, Them gryffindor beaters. Phe was easily the most talented witch in there eyar, the twins high speed unfocused trouble makers. Yet one specific weasley found his eyes lingering on her too long when he saw her. They held eye-contact for longer than anyone else. George hated the sight of anyone near her, That's why he felt so bad and so mad at her when he and fred found her sneaking out of there mutual friend, a gryffindor chaser's dorm after a party. 

This was why they were so surprised when they woke up to Nix sitting in there living room with there younger sister and hermione one summer morning. George was even more surprised when his crush sat next to him at breakfast. "Mum? Phoenix wants to do an activity after breakfast, we'll stay on the property we're just going in the back field. the only thing is, we need skin safe paint?" Molly raised an eyebrow at the three girls. "it'll make sense and it's safe i swear." Nix reasoned, Molly agreed quickly when Phe asked. After breakfast the girls came running back downstairs in bikini tops and normal shorts armed with a picnic rug, brushes and paint everyone was very confused. 

George was even more confused on how his 'enemy' could be so fucking beautiful. [ A/N; because she's standing in a bikini top and ur a horny teenage boy duh]

The curiosity and confusion was up tenfold when the girls came back 6 hours later with paintings all over them and not paint splatters. True paintings all on different sections of there bodies. Phoenix had the most by far. "Mum you have to listen on why Nix chose this activity it's so cool." ginny called to all weasleys who were sitting in the kitchen. 

"it's really not but okay. so the moral is body positivity, my sister taught it to me. So you basically paint on yourself where your self conscious and take pictures. Then after you take the pictures you wash it off and not only are you washing off the nice painting your supposed to wash off the other painting aka your self consciousness and if you ever feel self conscious about that area again you simply look at the pictures. cheesy yes, does it work yes." She explained and everyone found it really cute and really smart. "And then we decided to where the paintings for awhile so we can be proud of them instead of trying to hide them and i can already tell it's working os were going to try and get it implemented as a an activity at hogwarts. " Hermione explained and the other girls nodded. 

"Mione i love your back painting who did it?" harry pointed out later in the day and both gryffindor girls pointed to the slytherin. "i did most of them except the back of my thighs and my back cause i couldn't reach." Nix smiled and later on when she was lying outside alone reading george approached her again. 

"you left this inside. i can tell it's important since you wear it everyday." george told her handing her a Diamond necklace. Phoenix smiled and put it back on. "thanks george" she smiled putting the book down. "you know my name?" he asked kind of shocked, they had never spoken before, ever. "we've been in most of the same classes for years, course i know your name." George smiled.

"i really like the activity you came up with. Its been awhile since i've seen ginny so confident in herself." He smiled and Nix grinned back at him. "that was the goal, i just really hope it works for her,  I've been doing it for years and yet i still paint the same areas of my body every time." She admitted and george was in shock. She was beautiful, how in god's name could she ever be insecure. 

"if i was to paint you, id paint nothing. You're beautiful, all of you." he said before he could stop himself. Phe looked up at him and george thought he made her uncomfortable but she only smiled coming to sit next to him instead of opposite him. "believe it or not, no one's ever said that to me before," 

"well then everyone's lying or blind because i don't know how anyone can't see the perfection i see when i look at you." he said gently kissing one of the birds that sat dried on Nix''s shoulder. "ugh that tastes like paint." he groaned and Nix started to laugh. "of course it did, i know won't taste like paint." george raised his eyebrows intrigued to where this was going. 

"this hopefully." she smiled grabbing George's head to pull herself closer to him so he could kiss her instead. 

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