Adrian pucey- Your confusing

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Adrian had been my best friend for years. He was my only true friend for the first five years at Hogwarts even when we were in different houses. He's a Slytherin obviously and I'm a Ravenclaw. In fifth year he inducted me into his friendship with the Weasley twins and we became a group of 4. A very close group of 4.

I wished however that my friendship with Adrian would progress into something more. Could you blame though. He's hilarious, caring, attractive and everything that is right in this crazy world we live in.

Our group of 4 was currently sitting in the courtyard doing our own things but enjoying each others company. " y/nnn" Fred drawled and I looked up from my very interesting piece of grass.

" yes Freddie?" I questioned and he smiled. " since your my best friend can you do my muggle studies homework for me?" He said holding it out. " isn't this due next period?" I questioned and he smiled lazily. " possibly, can you please help me I don't want detention today"

I huffed grabbing my quill and ink from my bag. " thank you love" he said jokingly with a wink. God he's such a flirt. I had the work done in 20 minutes because it was incredibly simple if you payed attention in class. That's why the twins find it hard.

" you are the best person on this planet Thankyou!" He called when I gave it back to him and I just laughed finally getting back to my grass.

While I was doing that I heard a groan and then felt a weight in my lap. I looked and Adrian was laying his head there sticking his tongue out at me. " yes?" I laughed and he just continued smiling. " your confusing" i said as I poked his nose to which he responded by trying to bite my finger.

I continued inspecting my grass while Adrian tried sleeping on me. I decided to put grass in his hair for no reason but every time I tried he would swat my hand away. " no grass in my hair thankyou" he told me when swatted my hand away for the 10th time. " your boring" I pouted and he smiled. " and you're adorable"

" oh my God can you two put us out of our misery and just kiss already this is torture!" George groaned.

Opportunity knocks I guess. I leant down and placed a soft kiss on his lips and thank the lords he kissed me back. It was only short but it was perfect. The twins cheering in the background only made it amusing. " please for the love of Merlin do it again" Adrian whispered and I smiled.

" Okay time to go" fred aged when we started kissing again only the heat was dialed up x20.

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