i said sit- Slytherin boys

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It was near finals/ our N.E.W.T.S   for our 6th year and me and my friends were studying but there were a bunch of first years also in the common room where we were but they were bing fucking turds that had no spacial awareness and wouldn't shut up and all of us were getting bothered. We were all now forced into the great hall to eat and now we were also still stuck next to those same annoying first years. They acted top shit and we wanted to knock there teeth out. we were now all standing for some reason and they were still fucking carrying on. 

"Can you guys shut up and sit down." Draco groaned, we were all starting to get a head ache and all of us were close to snapping. They continued carrying on despite us telling them to shut up and I was getting a migraine so I snapped. 

"I SAID SIT!" I yelled and not only did they sit and cower, everyone in a 20 foot radius of me sat. I kind of lost my mind  and I think I released magic because multiple cups shattered and the window i was standing in-front of cracked. "Y/n its okay, sit down now. I think you've scared everyone into submission already. C'mere." Pansy smiled pulling me next to her. 

"Tell me you have a hot best friend without telling me you have a hot best friend" Theo muttered and i leant over the table and hit his arm. "I thought you all saw me as a platonic best friend." I questioned and they all became very quiet. "I do because well you don't have a dick, and Draco doesn't cause well your his sister. but everyone else.." Enzo started and all of a sudden food was flung at him. "Shut up Berkshire." Theo hissed. He seemed most bothered by everything.  

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