I hate her- Lorenzo Berkshire

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"YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A DOG!" Was heard scream in the corridor before a very hot headed Hufflepuff waltzed into the great hall with looks to kill. Everyone knew to not be alarmed as this was basic sister fighting. Hannah abott the older sister always tried to control her younger sister. The result was to no one's surprise. Let's say the younger hufflepuff hates being told what to do.

"Shit shit shit." Lorenzo cursed scrambling out of his chair to meet her in the aisle. She seemed to be walking towards him anyway. He met her halfway down the aisle and she walked straight into his arms before cursing into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"She needs to but out of my fucking business." The younger sibling ranted as Lorenzo pulled her to where he and his friends were sitting. He held her until she regained the little sanity she usually had. She weakened her way out of his arms sitting up while running her hands through her tangled purple hair. Right- she also hated boring hair colours. Purple was her hair colour for this month.

"Baby- you sure you're okay. You got pretty fucking angry." Lorenzo asked the girl now cuddled in his arms. 10 minutes ago her and her sister were ready to tear there throats out and now. She's eerily calm. Cuddles into his chest one hand resting over his shirt on his chest. The other under his shirt running her fingers over his abs. She had a slight obsession with them.

"I'm fine love. I just hate her when she always tries to control me." She whispered before climbing to lay completely on top of her boyfriend. her head resting under his Chin giving him perfect access for forehead kisses and lip kisses if she lifted her head. Which she did once every 10 minutes.

"God I love you."

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