Shifting stories from my shift last night

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SO I SHIFTED LAST NIGHT!!! This is big for me because I haven't shifted in like 2 months and I shifted again and it was pure and utter chaos so here is some of the things that happened. Back story it's summer between Poa and Gof and I am at the burrow with Hermione and harry :)

The twins nearly killed me

- we were testing the ton tongue toffee spell, the spell is what made your tongue grow, so I stupidly volunteered to do it but the little fuckwits didn't tell me they hadn't perfected the reversal spell yet so it kept fucking growing to the point where I couldn't breathe and turns out me losing consciousness was the kick in the arse they needed to perfect the spell and let it shrink, Then it was dinner and THEY JUST LEFT ME ON THE FLOOR UNCONSICOUS WHILE THEY WENT TO DINNER!!!!.

I woke up while they where gone then cane down the stairs and screamed at them in front of everyone and then Molly let me hit them both with a wooden spoon :)

The revenge for ^

- after I hit them both with a wooden spoon I went to hang out with Charlie outside and completely ignored the twins for the next three days. George took it worse and he kept making all these really cute apology gestures that made me almost break and on the third day I broke when he attached an I'm sorry balloon to booplesnoot's collar and made him deliver it to me. I forgave them yet the revenge was funny as hell, I put green and silver hair dye in there shampoos so they had Slytherin hair and I did it with a spell only I could reverse despite everyone else's effort.

Tv remote accident

- so we were watching a movie all together and I was sitting in between the twins and halfway through I noticed Ginny and Hermione who were watching it with us fell asleep so I was looking for the remote so I could turn it down slightly and I couldn't find it so I started feeling around under the blanket to try and find it and my hand hit something hard and I thought it was the remote so I grabbed and yanked and George who was sitting next to me let out a yelp. I hadn't grabbed the remote I grabbed his dick and yanked hard 😂😂😂😂. I apologised while trying not to laugh and finally found the remote that had fallen under the couch and then George as revenge accidentally grabbed my hair and yanked claiming he was just trying to annoy fred.

We well fred blew up the oven

So me and Hermione we're trying to bake while everyone else were being nuisances around us. Except George, he was just being his cute and clingy self hugging me from behind the whole time which whew but anyway we were trying to bake and I stupidly told fred to pregnant the oven and he put it up stupid high so after we put the cake in we all went our separate ways and I went to the living room to cuddle my human teddy bear, luckily I laid on top of him with my head in his chest so I could try and sleep which we didn't do last night because snoot was sick so me and George stayed up all night taking care of her. We were woken up by a boom

" WHAT BLEW UP?" molly shouted running in whole George very prudent pushed me off the couch onto the floor so he could go see what happened because anything to do with pyrotechnics aka explosions he's very intrigued. After I cursed George for pushing me onto the floor I got up and saw the cake exploded because it had been altered. Me and Hermione then lost our heads at fred going on a rampage about ruining the cake and Richard n and everyone else soon joined on when he realised we weren't going to make another one.

George being an absolute toddler

One night molly made pizzas for everyone, All of us were absolutely starving because we had been outside playing Quidditch and baseball for hours. When we all sat down to eat I noticed something very quickly, there was no plain cheese pizza. George refuses to eat any other type of pizza he will straight up refuse. George asked molly where the plain one was and molly admitted she forgot and tried handing him a garlic and cheese pizza and he straight up just shook his head while scooting his chair back. Molly kept trying but he just kept shaking his head and scooting his chair back till it hit the wall and by that time Molly had given up and just left him there thinking he would get over it.

He didn't.

After eating my own food I walked up to him. " I want my pizza" he pouted and I sighed missing his temple and told him to hold on. I then took the leftover pepperoni and spent the time taking off every piece of pepperoni then putting it on a plate and walking it back to him. He scoffed it down because without pepperoni, pepperoni pizza is just cheese pizza. He grinned at me after he ate and kissed me softly. " I love you darling" he said like a child and I just chuckled pulling him upstairs so we could climb on the roof and watch the sunset.

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