Tom ugh my boy- dr

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I made good decisions and bad decisions:)

I fucked Tom, 4 times. Then he took me on a date and made me his girlfriend :)

I had no intention of fucking him okay, not until he had taken me on a date but it just kinda happened.

I had been back for 6 weeks and Tom and I had just been flirting and cuddling and almost kissed but we just kept getting interrupted by Mattheo ( fucking cockblocker little shit) Harry ( he's awkward and doesn't knock) and everyone else because they hate us, me.

Oh everyone hates me because of a magical outburst that put 3 kids in the hospital wing, split Gryffindor table in half and pulverised 2 windows.

It was because of that I was lying in bed. I was frustrated and annoyed at the world and needed a distraction. I climbed out of bed and scampered to the room of requirement where Tom happened to mention he was staying for a while. Apparently Adrian snores.

I opened the door and didn't hesitate walking to the couch he was reading on and ripping the book out of his hands. "Harps what's wrong" he asked and I just Straddled him before kissing him.

I didn't break it and neither did he which ended up in rounds 1,2&3.

After we had collapsed on the bed and I explained what was wrong and how i ended up there and he just held me in his arms to calm me down and perform princess level after care ( picture massages, cuddles, all the food you want, baths the whole 9 yards)

We were just laying there before he rolled on his side;

The conversation that followed;

Tom- What's up with you hmm, not that I don't appreciate the mind blowing sex but I know you. What's wrong darling?

Me- so many emotions, too many emotions.

Tom- talk to me baby

Me- every thing I have is ruled by one. Fear. Fear sucks, fear is stupid.

Tom- you can be rid of it if you confront what your scared off

Me- I'm scared of over thinking. I over think way too much. I over think when I don't see you, I'm scared someone's going to take you away from me and that scares me because that fear means falling in love and falling in love makes it so much more complicated but I'm also scared that I don't care.

Tom- you don't need to be scared Harper, because no matter how complicated you will always, always have me be in love with you and want your best intrest in mind.

Me- fine, I won't be scared of starting something as long as you apply to 3 conditions. You take me out on a date, you ask me to be your girlfriend on that date, and you give me more sex.

Tom- condition 1 and 2 will apply tonight, as for condition 3

Then he pulls me on top of him for round 4 :)


After round 4 I left the room to go back to mine to get changed for the date and luckily I was alone while I got ready till I had already changed into my dress and was almost done with my makeup when Angelina walked in. "What are you- are you going on a date."

"Yep, don't wait up I'm not coming back tonight." I stated finishing eye liner. "Harper you haven't slept in here for days, just come back home with us." she pleaded sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes through the mirror. " home? With you? You guys stopped being my Home when you ruined everything for me and now you're going to lemme me be happy and try and find another home." I smiled, leaving the room as I was ready.

The stares when I worked in the hall scared the fucking shit out of me. Public anxiety takes hold until- "you look stunning sweetheart." I heard whispered as hands wrapped around my waist. I smiled putting my head back against his chest. I couldn't care that everyone was watching us as we stood in the middle of the aisle. Pansy was next to us and the rest of them, including Mattheo. "Harps you have turned him - an emotionless bastard into a romantic simp."

"I was always a romantic Thankyou!" He snapped and I smiled tangling my fingers in his hair. He responded by kissing my shoulder. "Now let's go to dinner."


The restraint was the best you could get in hogsmeade. It makes everything there look pathetic, it's meant for when ministry officials and politicians come and all the famous people and also, rich boys with a trust fund. Whose arm I'm on. Tom didn't even have to talk to the waiter, which were eleves, they just took us up the staircase to a private room.

"Are you proposing or something why is this so fancy?" I asked laughing as puked the chair out for me and I sat down. "Harper, this is the least fancy place I've ever been to. You have a lot to learn about this life, the life you deserve baby."

I smiled as the elf laid a napkin across my lap and handed me a warm hand towel. "If this is what I get every Friday or date night. I'll die happy." I smiled and he grinned.

"I'll give you whatever you want. You want a dog, jewellery, castle? Say the word and it's yours"

I want this, this life and i was sure by the end of dinner . "You know I'm not used to this kind of treatment. Based on my last name but mum never lets dad spoil us. Not this large but I could certainly get used to it."

"Well that's good because if you say next to my next question, I'll fight with everything I have to give you a life time of it." He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a black velvet box. My name written across the box in fucking diamonds. "Open it sweetheart."

Inside was a bloody Harry Winston necklace, it was beautiful. Under the lid was a note. The finest scroll money can buy with a message written in black elegant scroll.

You're gorgeous and I would burn down the world to keep you warm and happy, if you'll let me.
Be my girlfriend?

I grinned getting of the chair to wrap my arms around his neck. "Yes, yes, yes." I laughed kissing his cheek then burying my head in his chest. He kept me i his arms while he grabbed the box. "Turn around." He whispered and I smiled pulling my hair over my shoulder so he could put on the necklace. "I'm never taking this off by the way." I smiled and he laughed kissing my temple.

"I don't want you too."

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