Tom riddle- Hi you

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Draco was eating avoiding eye contact with all the beauxbatons that everyone was staring at. "Mate relax that's only the 7th years. Evanora is 6th." Mattheo groaned watching him. Knowing exactly who he was looking for, having walked in on her having sex with his brother multiple times.

Said brother was way more intrigued in his phone smiling at it. "Stop looking at my best friends nudes while we are sitting right here you horny bastard." Pansy hissed smacking the older riddle with a book. "Fuck off pug face." He scoffed putting his phone away smirking as soon as he put it down however Draco's rang.

He sighed answering it.  "Did you miss me brother?" He heard whispered through the phone and before he could process exactly what was happening his sister had jumped on the table now standing in-front of him.

Draco of coursed jumped out of his skin. "WHAT THE FUCK EVANORA !" He cursed jumping up then quickly recovering himself when he realised everyone was watching him.
"what are you doing here sister." He groaned as she jumped down now stealing his seat. Which so happened to be next to her boyfriend.

"I was invited, madam Maxine knew my connections as and she thought I could do with a year here. Besides I had a good reason to agree." She said the last sentence turning to her boyfriend.

"Hi you." he smirked as she slid closer to him. He sneaked his arm around her waist turbo n her to face him more. "I missed you." She cooed resting her forehead against his chest. Tom smiled probably for the first time in public. "Do you have your own dorm, you know prefect benefits?" she whispered suductively and he smirked when she lifted his head up to look her in the eyes. "no but For you? ill kick adrian out, he can sleep on the floor in the common room."

She seemed satisfied with that answer swinging her legs around so she could physically sit at the table. Tom pulling her closer until she was nearly onto of him not that she minded. Draco however who was forced to sit next to them looked at little green as he watched tom slide his hand up and down his sisters leg.

HP ONESHOTS BOOK 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora