Mattheo riddle- you are beautiful

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Tw mentions of teen pregnancy.

A request by Nnnnothinggggg

7 months ago December 1997*

Mattheo never thought having a family would be in the cards for him. He was sure no one could ever love someone like him. Everyone thought he was a bipolar dick who was toxic and a hard ass. Y/n knew differently.

Y/n was the worlds foremost expert in the subject of Mattheo riddle. She knew how he thought, How he acted, hell She knew what his next move was before he did. However the one thing she couldn't predict was his reaction to what was happening now.

How would he react to her telling him she was pregnant at 16 with his baby while still being in school. Would he leave her, would he stay with her, would he make her get rid of the blessing, or would he help her raise their baby?

She was scared. So scared she had been pacing in her dorm holding the positive pregnancy test, the letter confirmation from madam pomfrey, and the ultrasound photo she had taken. She was only 14 weeks so they were barely visible but they were there.

Mattheo found her pacing when he entered her dorm. " hi beautiful, are you okay? why are you pacing?" He asked and She sighed. " can you sit I have to tell you something?" She asked and he nodded while sitting on the foot of her bed.

She had no idea how to tell him so She just gave him the test, the paper and the ultrasound while She knelt in-front of him trying to read what he was thinking but her nerves were clouding her judgement. He didn't make a sound as he read the paper and was now holding the test in one hand and the ultrasound in the other.

He looked at her before placing the materials down and grabbing both sides of her face. " your pregnant? Is it mine?" He asked and she sighed. " of course it's yours my love. Who's else would it be? Do you- do you want anything to do with them?" She asked shaking and Mattheo grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

" of course I want them! Your the love of my life and your carrying my baby. That only makes me love you more. How could you ever think I'd want to leave you for that?" She couldn't answer him. She just started crying and he held her. They would figure it out, and he would fight tooth and nail to keep her safe, and he did.

Present time July 1998*

Mattheo kept his promise and brand every weapon in his arsenal to the battle for his girlfriend and daughter. Turns out risking your life to save the hero cleans your slate. Two months later, his girlfriend was 7 months pregnant and to him was looking more beautiful by the minute. She was starting to waddle around using magic to do everything and mattheo would just watch her.

Because he watched her he noticed things. Even though it was the middle of summer she was wearing baggy clothes sweaters and sweat pants, loose baggy clothes on stupid hot days. He would notice her only eat when the baby was hungry and would always hesitate asking for food even when the cravings weren't weird.

He would notice her stand in the mirror for a bit to long and try and do exercise and would look so defeated when she failed. He would see her stare longingly at her broom and the quaffle. Today he couldn't find her. She had been showering but now she was gone. He looked all around the house and was now walking to the Quidditch pitch. She was there sitting in the middle circle holding the quaffle while sitting next to her broom.

As he got closer he realised she was crying. He was about to call to her when the quaffle was thrown near his head. " easy gorgeous its just me. What are you doing out here?"

" I'm sorry love you scared me. I was just thinking, trying to distract from nora training to be mma fighter in my uterus!" She groaned the last bit looking at her stomach. She said trying to wipe the tears quickly but he sat down and turned her head to look at him. " your not okay. what is it?"

She sighed and looked down. She knew he wasn't going to let up until he knew what was wrong with her. " a fifth of men leave there pregnant girlfriends when they blow up." She whispered and he knew what she was thinking.

He knew even when she didn't have her pregnant belly she struggled with her appearance and even now. He should've seen the signs, but he didn't dwell on that. He had found her and was going to make sure she always felt like the most beautiful girl in the work because that was what y/n l/n was.

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