Regulus black :)

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mrsriddleog requested a regulus black chapter so here you go!

That photo of Timothée though holy fuck

Regulus head cannons ( brother, lover, best friend )

- he is so mf sarcastic;

Y/n- *in argument* FUCK YOU!

Regulus- Thats your job :)


- After Sirius left he slept in his room to feel closer to him

- he would love sitting by the black lake at night. Takes you on dates there, you probably fuck there at some point

- he loves C.O.M.C

- looks up to Sirius more than anyone would ever know

- he prefers sour over sweet for some reason

- doesn't like butterbeer

- hates and I mean HATES any type of tea

- he would like sitting on comfortable silence alone with you :)

- he loves lemon cake

- he just wants people to be proud of him 🥺

- when he's passed he would swear in French and would proavaly turn you mf on

- little book worm

- ^ loves muggle books

- lots of clothes, that was until you came along and took all his sweaters

- loves colouring, it relax's him

- loves playing the piano ( I- imagine those quick piano fingers ;)

- he plays quidtich to try and feel closer to his brother

- Sirius would try and talk to him but would be stopped by other Slytherins and regulars had no idea

- he would talk to flowers about things he would talk to Sirius about

- head cannon* he wrote one last letter to his brother apologising for everything before going to cave but Sirius burned it before reading it. when he found out Reg was dead, he tried everything to get the letter back.

- would take you on dates to the forbidden forest for nature walks or picnics

- you would probably be besties with pandora because you cannot tell me her and regulus were not best friends!

- he would probably want to move t the French coutbry side after Hogwarts.

- he's fantastic in bed, caring and delicate yet that doesn't mean he couldn't fuck your brains out, he did ;)

- your first date would be at the astronomy tower


- sex in the restricted section

- adores giving and receiving forehead kisses

- would call you pet names in drench and you would have no fucking clue what they mean

- craves physical touch but was shy to ask for it at first


- loves kittens ( more then one type ;)

- his hands would be so fucking cold

- despite popular belief he could actually swim 😂

- would play with you hair after a long day, relaxes him

- would probably grow to be taller then sirus

- he would give you compliments 20 x a day ateleast

- would love writing and reading poetry,

- would read to you or play you a song on the piano to cheer you up if you were sad

- overall you are his sanctuary and the thing he treasures most in the world.

Lol this was really freaking cute Im proud of myself :)

I'm probably going to do more chapters of him💗

HP ONESHOTS BOOK 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora