Theodore nott

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Lol I'm sorry for my absence guys I just have been in such a writing slump and I have had 16 ASSIGNMENTS IN 4 WEEKS TF anyway things are starting to finally chill out so let's hope I don't go awol again :)

🟥🔴mentions of past smut

Y/n had barely remembered last night besides from the alcohol, drugs and partying. It was the first party of the year and things were always bound to get hectic. Currently however she was dealing with the hangover from hell somewhere she did not recognise. She was in a bed, snuggled under the covers but it wasn't her bed in her dorm.

She was in the boys dorm, that much she knew but she didn't know whose dorm and in who's bed. All she knew was the room was a fucking pigsty all ready and she was wearing a quidditch jersey. That and the bed smelt like heaven. burnt wood, cologne and sage for some reason. She knew she had sex the night before because she was only wearing that jersey and her legs hurt like hell. That and the visual indicators. Hand bruises on her thighs and hickey's absolutely everywhere.

Laying on the bed playing with hem of the jersey her attention was brought to the opening of the dorm bathroom to see Theodore nott smiling lazily about her and then all the memories came rushing back. The dancing, the grinding, the kisses, him carrying her back here, the make out seesison, the round's of sex. She remembered everything. She was also proud of what she had done to him. Since he was only wearing a towel she could see his chest and abs littered in bickies and when he turned around, the nail marks in his back from her gripping his shoulders.

" I really did a number on you" Theo smirked watching her from the mirror, eyeing the love bites visible. " I don't have any regrets about it though" she smirked clambering of the bed and standing behind the boy, carelessly leering her arms drop around his waist as he pulled on sweats and a hoodie. "Neither do I, and I wasn't finished cuddling you yet" he chuckled spinning around to face her and lifting her off the ground to throw her back in the bed, careful not to hurt her as he climbed on top of her then flipping them over so y/n could come to rest lazily on him, head on his chest and laying sluggishly between his legs.

" Since we've slept together I think it's fair I take you on a date. I mean, it's only principle." Theo whispered once they had laid in silence for a while. Y/n who had almost fallen back and sleep could only manage a nod and sigh in contempt before drifting off in the arms of her new boy.

Short sweet adorable perfect X

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