Mornings are stupid ( George Weasley)

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Fred and lee always had trouble waking up the other ginger in the room. He could sleep like a log and you would have to physically jump on him to wake him up and even then the minute you got off he would usually fall straight back to sleep.

Fred and lee both having jumped on him and injuring themselves in the process where thinking of options to get him up for early Quidditch practice.

" fuck it! I'm getting y/n she can wake him up or if she can't maybe she will have a practice quaffle in her dorm." fred sighed putting his hands up and walking out of the dorm most likely to find the one person George would always get up for.

Fred came back five minutes later with y/n in tow. " he's so cute when he sleeps" y/n chuckled sitting next to him. " y/n stroking his hair will not wake him up. Which we brang you here to do."

" shut up fred! I'm admiring and now I'm done." y/n said climbing under the covers. "that's helpful" lee sighed but quickly shut up and covered his eyes.

Y/n was Leaving little kisses along Georges's jaw in efforts to wake him up. it did only it backfired. He flipped the pair over so he was laying on top of her.

" Why couldn't they just get you instead of jumping on me, it hurt" George whined kissing her temple and y/n moved her head so she could see fred and lee and death glare them for hurting her boyfriend. They left after that having a feeling they didn't want to stick around any longer to witness whatever those two were going to get up to.

" they wouldn't  Jump on you if you got up when you alarm went off. Speaking of we have Quidditch practice in an hour so get your adorable ass out of bed" y/n smiled and George groaned putting his head in her neck.

"Mornings are stupid love let me sleeep"
He whined and y/n chuckled because of the hot breath and vibrations on her neck that came from him speaking.

" would me offering to shower with you make you more interested in waking up?" She offered and George immediately lifted his head. " let me put this simply. Yes" he chuckled smirking and y/n looked at him and he new that look. That it was his okay to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to the bathroom so that's exactly what he did.

Why they thought it was a good Idea to do this before Quidditch practice who knows because by the end of it they were both completely exhausted and y/n's legs gave out the minute they hit the ground.

George took this opportunity to carry her bridal style back to the dorms and get back to what was important.


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