Chapter 179: Space Adventures

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The ship we were in was in the deep void of the dimensionnal gap. We were aiming for ExE. However...

Eos: Ah... why does this ship moves so much?!

Arthur: It doesn't. This seems more like a you problem.

I felt myself getting more and more nauseous.

Eos: What?! How dare you?! I am the King of the- Wow!

I fell down on the ground.

Akeno: Are you alright? Perhaps you need a boob pillow~.

Bikou: You want his vomit to get on your tits? You Devils are into weird things.

Eos: You two shut it and drive!

Arthur: It's called piloting.

Eos: Shut it! Huh... anyway, I'll take the offer Akeno, thank you.

Akeno: Hum... you know, they're kinda right. I don't want vomit on myself. Especially if we're not gonna be back in some time.

I layed down on the ground. I was really not feeling great...

Asia: Maybe you should try to sleep! I know that I'm sick in cars so I just sleep when I have to take a long ride.

Eos: Huh... is there a bed anywhere?

Asia: Yeah, follow me!

I did and she bringed me to a resting room. The bed was quite large but nothing crazy, only three people could fit in.

Asia: I can use magic to make you fall asleep if you want.

Eos: Satan, Issei doesn't deserve you. Thank you so much Asia.

And so I fell asleep.

POV 3rd Person

Issei looked in the outside through the large glass observatory in the cantina of the ship.

Issei: Wow! These looks like whales!

Indeed, three white whale-like creatures with two horns each were 'swiming' through the void of the dimensionnal gap.

Ravel: Our research team called them void-eaters. They say that they can only survive in a place with absolutely no matter. And since they don't seem to eat at all, the researcher said that they eat the void.

Issei: That's so cool! They're majestuous!

The ship then slowed down heavely. Arthur and Bikou arrived soon after in the cantina.

Arthur: We still have ten hours to get to ExE. We're kind of hungry so we slowed the pace. There isn't anything on our trajectory anyway.

Valianah: That's fine. Do as you wish. We have time.

But then, the ship somehow went at the speed of light in a straight line.

Arthur: What's happening?!

Bikou: No idea, let's go!

As they went to the cabine, the ship came to a stop.

Bikou: There's something in this ship. And it's making us go faster than we should.

Arthur: Hey, look at the map. The direction changed. I don't know where we're going though.

Then, a wormhole opened in front of the ship.

Arthur: Shit! Make a u-turn, quick!

Bikou: I can't! We're attracted to the void there!

And then, they were forced to come out from the dimensionnal gap and go into the pretty normal, deep space. They were in the void, not close to anything. Well, 99% of the universe was void after all.

Valianah then entered the cockpit.

Valianah: What happened here?!
Bikou: We... we were forced to live the dimensionnal gap...

The others were behind the Queen of the Underworld.

Sairaorg: We left?! How?!

Arthur: We... we have no idea... we're in the deep void, there's nothing to attract us here...

Roygun: But what if there was?

The others turned to the Pawn of Asmodeus.

Roygun: What if there was something that we couldn't see, with a mass so huge that it's gravitationnal pull attracted us from the dimensionnal gap. It is the only place of true nothingness after all. Even here, there are random atoms and stuff, not in the dimensionnal gap.

Issei: So that would mean an invisible object...

Arthur: Not necessarly... if this thing was small but extremly massive, it would have bringed us here as well.

Issei: Great, so we need to find what it is... I'll go outside. With my Dragon I'll be fine.

Masaomi: I'll come as well.

Asia: Me too!

Valianah: Yeah, sure.

And so, the four got into their Dragon armors and got out of the ship, into deep space.

Masaomi: Wow, that feels weird!

Asia: Yeah, it's different from the dimensionnal gap.

Valianah: Let's not waste anymore time.

~8 hours later~


I woke up inside the ship. As I looked by the window, I saw that we were into actual space. Guess we must be above ExE.

I then walked to the cockpit and saw both Kuisha and Suzaku sat down at the pilot and co-pilot seats.

Eos: Could you explain me what's going on?

Kuisha: Well...

She explained the situation to me.

Eos: And they've been out for eight hours?

Suzaku: Indeed. Their stamina is impressive.

Eos: That's bad... we're gonna run out of oxygen at some point. They need to be quick into finding this thing.

Kuisha: If you want my opinion, the thing that attracted us already disappeared.

Eos: Couldn't we open a new portal?

Kuisha: We only had energy for one...

We then heard a bipping noise on the dashbord.

Suzaku: They're entering!

I walked to the entrance of the ship and saw them with a medium sized robot from ExE.

Issei: That's this thing! It's the one that got us here!

Valianah: It hacked our dashbord and then forced the ship to create a wormhole. Then, he used a gravitationnal pull device to get us out and then turned invisible.

Eos: Can't you use it's power to get us to ExE?

Issei: That should be possible, but that'll take some time.

Eos: That's fine. I'm pretty sure we have enough oxygen.

I then sat at a dinner table with Masaomi.

Masaomi: Satan, it took us a long time to get that thing! It was invisible and kept going behind us with it's propulsers. And since there's no sound in space we couldn't hear it.

Eos: Yeah, these robots are annoying, we can't feel any energy from them...

After some time, the ship started to move again, giving me nausea, again...

Eos: Ah fuck!

Masaomi: Y-you're alright?

POV 3rd Person

After a few hours of Eos being stuck in the toilet, throwing up, our group finally arrived on the mechanical planet. When they landed, they burned several robots. They then got out of the ship.

Rias: So this is it? The final straw for peace?

Issei: Seems like it.

Eos, now good with his stomach, stepped on the cold metal of the planet.

Eos: Yes. When we're done here, we'll reach utopia.

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