Chapter 0: Prologue

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In the lands of Infernus, a Lady, wife of the Lord was having a really bad time. No matter what specie you are, giving birth is always a challenge. It was also a challenge for Lord Infernus who let his wife held on his hand.

Desmond: Darling, you're crushing me!

Aria: Well the baby's destroying my insides so stop complaining!

Lord Infernus thought about making a joke about his dick but decided that it was not the moment.

Eventually, after three whole days and two nights, Aria Infernus finally gave birth and immediatly felt releaved.

Nurse: It's a boy.

Desmond: Give me my son!

Lord Infernus was the first one to hold the new born, who looked at his father with his piercing yellow eyes. Strangely, the boy already had pretty long black and blond hair, perhaps it was because it took him so long to get out. Though the two different wings of the boy worried his father.

Desmond: *sigh* I should not think about that... not now.

He quickly came by his wife's side and let the baby rest on his mother's chest, and as he did, he immediatly fell asleep.

The nurses already left at this point and the couple was alone with their son.

Aria: He needs a boob pillow as well... Wonder who he got that from...

She gave a flirtious look at her husband who kissed her on the forehead.

Desmond: You should sleep to you know. About the name... choose it.

Aria: Honey I don't have the culture of the Devils you know... he needs to be accepted.

Desmond: Let's not worry about that for now... You worked hard enough. You should be the one to choose is name.

The now mother shed a single tear, and got reminded of an old friend of hers.

Aria: Eos... she was the Greek Goddess of dawn, and he's a new chapter in our life, a new day.

Desmond smiled at his wife.

Desmond: Eos Infernus. I promise you, you will do great things... Rest for now my love. I will speak with the nurses and all.

His wife simply nodded and started to play with the hair of her boy.

Aria: I love you.

After almost 80 hours of pain, the Fallen Angel finally drifted off.

~7 Years Later~

Inside the Infernus domain, a boy was seen, playing in the dirt, alone.

Eos Infernus was quite a special Devil, as he was half-breed. Now they were rumors about a half-Devil half-Human girl being born somewhere, but the little Infernus other half was a Fallen Angel.

Long ago, during the war, an Angel helped a dying Devil to stay alive. This is the only time that he had seen any kindness for his kind by those with the white wings. As healing took time she came back, again and again, and after some time became quite fond of the one who called himself the Hell-bringer. It was when they kissed that the wings of the Angel became tainted in black, as she was not allowed to have this kind of relationship with an ennemy.

Anything close to Angels were despised by the Devil society, so Desmond Infernus had to hide his wife and now had to hide his own son. The only one who knew were the families of the four great Satan. Speaking of the Devil, Lord Infernus was waiting for a reunion with his old friend Zeoctius. Apparently, he too, had a daughter.

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