🍋 Chapter 164: 💙 It's Free Real Estate! 💙

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Eos: You need me to go to Kuoh?

Latia: Yes!

Eos: Why?

Latia: Because I need help selling my house!

Eos: Wasn't there ghosts and stuff?

Latia: The ghosts were happy and went tl the afterlife and the Youkais joined Factions. And I live here now so I truly have no need for this house.

Eos: *sigh* Sure, I guess...

We teleported to Kuoh. I actually forgot her house was quite in ruins.

Eos: Latia, there's a hole in the roof.

Latia: Oh! I never saw that.

Eos: *sigh* Alright girl, let's rebuild this?

Latia: You have skills in architecture?

Eos: Not at all! But I have magic.

I then flew up and held my hand towards the hole. Then, the wood started to regrow until it was completely "healed".

Latia: Wow... How did you do that?

Eos: The Malebranch allows me to... control nature you could say. Take care of the interior and I will repair outside.

Latia: Right!

I worked all day and night in prder to repair everything.

~7 AM, the day after~

Latia: Alright, I think we're done here.

Eos: Don't you want to sell it? It's a very good looking mansion in a small town, rich people will love it.

Latia: I forgot that you were into real estate...

After only three hours of the mansion being on the market, luck was with us and it was already sold. They were an old retired couple from England.

Eldery man: You know, with what happened to London, we had to move out...

Eldery woman: People think that someone is declaring war but I don't know. This seems weird.

My eyes widdened. All the people that died when we fought Hades... I looked to the side and cursed.

Latia: Was everything alright for you?

Eldery woman: Ah, we lost our precious daughter and her husband...

Latia: I'm... very sorry to hear it.

Eos: It's... free...

Eldery man: Excuse me young man? My hearing is not as good as it was in my prime.

Eos: The house. I'm giving it to you.

Eldery: What?! But this house costs a lot my boy! We... we don't have that many years left, we can pay.

Eos: Money is not a problem for us. I'm sorry for your loss.

Latia looked at me with a compassionate look. I handed them the keys and they thanked me. We then left their sights and teleported back to the Underworld.

Latia: You're okay?

Eos: It's my fault.

Latia: Eos. You always say that you don't care about other people but now, when it is Hades' fault, you feel bad for this family.

Eos: I was the one to counter the attack though.

Latia: What? You should have just let him kill everyone and conquer the world?!

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