Chapter 91: Hurtful reunion

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POV 3rd Person

Desmond: I hope I didn't have to do that...

Rizevim: Then don't! Join me!

Desmond: Tch! You would let me join your band after I took your bodyguard out?

Rizevim: What about Lilith?! She was just convenient! She could die, I wouldn't care!

Lord Infernus seemingly got mad at the reaction of his former friend.

Desmond: You dared give her your mother's name and yet you don't care about her life?!

Rizevim: This is why you failed me, Desmond. You have attachment. To your Angel and to your son. Since your family came in, you became softer, you lost your lust for war. You lost your will to fight. And you lost me.

Desmond: This is where you're wrong. I have something to fight for. It makes me stronger.

Lucifer raged at the man.

Rizevim: And they will all die once ExE invade us! You know that I'm right!

Desmond: And summoning the Beast of Apocalypse is the solution? It will kill you as well, Rizevim.

Rizevim: I prefer dying by my own hand than by theirs. This family, it made you loose your honor, Desmond.

Both men got into position, however, as they were about to launch themselves at each other, a Holy spear came from above, planting itself in the ground between the men.

Rizevim: You... old man...

Desmond: Azazel, old friend.

The Fallen Angel descended from the sky, landing by Desmond's side.

Azazel: Would you allow me to join you in this fight? He kinda beated up my kids.

Desmond: With pleasure. Let's finish this once and for all.

Qlippoth's leader looked worried. He could take on Azazel by himself, or maybe even Desmond with the help of Sephiroth Graal. But the two of them at the same time... that was another story.

The three men launched themselves in the sky. Azazel summoned two light spears while Desmond summoned a Hell fire axe. They both rushed at Rizevim who summoned a magic circle. Out of it came out a burst of wind, sending both men back and blowing the axe away. Azazel threw his spears at the Devil who stopped them with a barrier. However the barrier was easily destroyed by the Holy aura of the weapons, allowing Lord Infernus to rush to Lucifer and kick him in the face.

Azazel: Don't let him regenerate!

The former Grigori leader summoned a multitude of spears that he launched at Rizevim. The Devil was stabbed in multiple places, making him fall on the ground.

Desmond: I'm sorry, Rizevim... Absolute Flame Burster!

The flames of multiple colours landed where Rizevim fell down and made the whole area covered in flames.

Desmond: Where is he?

Azazel: He probably already healed. We were too slow!

Desmond: How does this thing work exactly?

Azazel: It has absolute control over life itself. Technically, he could erase us but that would make him insane.

Rizevim: You know a lot, Azazel.

The two looked behind them, where the voice came from. Rizevim sent out two powerful magic attacks. Thankfully, both men were able to summon a barrier before the attack made contact. The attacks still pushed them towards two tall building. Lucifer then raised his right arm in the sky.

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