Chapter 166: Another Field Trip!

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I didn't really have time to sleep in the train, I was one of the only two teachers there after all, the other being Zeno. Xenovia asked us both to keep an eye on her candidates. This is what I was planning to do, along with keeping the other kids in check. Thankfully, Lint came to help us.

Lint: Are you gonna be okay?

Eos: Hum?

Lint: I mean, don't you have to sleep?

Eos: Oh, yeah but my 'season' is done. I can keep going without sleep for a long time.

Lint: Oh. Great then.

Once we arrived in Kyoto, we bringed the class to the same hotel than last time.

Katase: I hope there won't be any accident anymore...

Murayama: It's fine. Balberith, you'll protect me, right?

Balberith: I mean-

Katase: No! He'll protect me! Right, Balberith?

Balberith: I-

Aika: Of course he will protect me. Balberith is such a sweetheart! Right, Balberith~?

Balberith: This is-

They started to get loud by arguing, saying "No me" over and over again.

Eos: Shut up! We've heard enough!

My voice made them jump.

Katase/Murayama/Aika: S-sorry, sir...

Eos: *sigh* I swear... you've gotta learn to get yourself respected Balberith.

Balberith: Right, sorry Eos.

All of our eyes widdened.

Murayama: Why did you call him by his name?

Aika: Yeah, that's weird.

Eos: I... Balberith, I may be a good teacher to you but this doesn't mean we are friend. Please, refrain from calling me by my first name.

Balberith: Yes, sir.

We made our way in and I got to distribute the rooms. It was the turn of our group.

Eos: Tadami and Verrine will share a room. Murayama, Katase and Aika will share the other. Balberith, you can go by yourself.

Everyone got in their room, only letting us three outside.

Lint: Is it find for him to have his own room?

Eos: I've been in this school long enough to know thay the girls here are as perverted as the boys. Wouldn't be surprised if he's not alone when the sun rises.

I waw her cheeks becoming red.

Eos: Zeno, you have a penthouse for you. Lint, where do you want to sleep?

Zeno: Alright, the kids tired me so I'll get going.

There was now only the two of us.

Lint: Well... I... I want to sleep with you... i-if that's possible!

Eos: Of course, you don't have to worry about that.

I took her hand in mine and bringed her to the penthouse.

Lint: Wow! This house is enormous!

Eos: Mmh... not that much, it's only 127 square meters, not that big.

Lint: I live in 30 square meters...

Eos: Oh dear how do you do that?! Poor thing, let's get you treated!

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