Next time

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Coming over to Jennie's castle for the third time no longer became hard or even took longer, like her second visit.

On the third visit, Jennie only had to wait for two weeks to see Lisa again. And so it did on her fourth time, the fifth time, and so on.

Ever since that day- ever since Lisa's second visit to Jennie's castle, visiting them had become a regular thing for her. Before, she was worried because she didn't have a good enough reason to come, but right now, she no longer cares about that. Even if she didn't have a reason, even if she just wanted to see them, she never hesitated again about going there.

Her father had never stopped her. He was now supporting Lisa in whatever she wanted to do.

That is why she grew closer and closer to everyone who was living there, especially to the dryad twins and the pixies. And of course, to Jennie. She was still being self-conscious around the beast, but it was not as bad as before.

Ever since she met Jennie and the more times that she spent with them, her weird dreams and that blurred woman had never left her nights alone.

At first, she kept dreaming the same dream for three months straight, in which she was in a kitchen and a woman had her arms wrapped around her waist.

But ever since she had visited Jennie's castle the second time, it changed to her lying on the same bed as the woman. They had their clothes on and seemed like they were just talking about random things.

Lisa still couldn't hear her voice. She still couldn't get a glimpse of any part of her face. She still couldn't find any clues that would help her determine who that person was.

Then, when she gets home and sleeps after visiting Jennie's castle, she will dream of a different scene but with the same woman.

Lisa knew that it wasn't normal. She knew that it wasn't just a simple thing that she could just shrug her shoulders, but she still had never opened it up to anyone despite dreaming about that woman for months.

Lisa had never told those dreams to her father or to her friends. She was just silently thinking about it over and over when she was alone.

She was wondering what those dreams were and who that person was.

Lisa just proceeded with her life as if everything was normal. As if she wasn't bothered by her dreams. As if she wasn't bothered by the existence of the woman in her dreams.

Lisa snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone calling her name. She lifted her chin and saw the prince, staring and looking so worried about her. She had finally remembered that she was in a market and supposed to be selling their crops, but she had barely sold anything yet because she was spacing out for G-d knows how long already.

Lisa shook her head as she smiled at the prince and straightened herself. "Your Highness."

"Are you okay? Is there something that is bothering you? I've been calling and trying to get your attention for two whole minutes already."

Lisa lightly shook her head, refusing to tell the truth. Even though the prince was treating her kindly, Lisa didn't have any plan of opening up her weird dreams with him. She felt like doing it would raise a red flag.

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