Awful Sight

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Because Sana was holding Lisa's earlobe, she felt it when the yellow pixie flinched, probably because of fear. She couldn't see her friends because they are unbelievably tiny right now.

What she could only see were glowing colors of red, green, and yellow.

Lisa tried to act cool. She couldn't afford to let her nervousness be shown in her face. She needed to act like a normal servant to fool this old woman but she couldn't think of anything to answer the woman's question.

"Are you the new servant that Lorie mentioned?" The woman asked, arching one of her brows.

Lisa doesn't know who the fuck Lorie is and she's definitely not the person that this woman was referring to and yet she shyly nodded her head while scratching her cheek. "A-Ah yeah. That was me."

"Then what are you doing here wandering yourself around? You know that you're not getting paid by slacking off, so get your ass to work!" The woman yelled authoritatively, whichsent shivers to the young woman.

"I-I'm sorry. I was just lost inside the castle." Lisa apologized and bowed her head low.

The woman clicked her tongue in annoyance, then turned her back on Lisa, hands on her fat waist. "Follow me."

To avoid any more problems, Lisa had just decided to follow the woman as she secretly heaved a long breath in relief. She can also feel the tense environment around the pixies, eased up. She could hear their tiny voices but the voices were incomprehensible. They were talking, more like complaining to each other about the woman's attitude, judging from their tone.

"What was your name?" The older woman asked again, without bothering to look back at Lisa, and just kept on walking.

"La-Lali" Lisa answered. She was about to answer her real name, if only she didn't remember the situation where they are in right now. She doubted if this woman would ever recognize her, even if she said her real name.

In this castle, she was sure that there were barely any people who would recognize her as the prince's woman, since it had been more than a year since they saw her face on her wedding day, and it was even for just a brief moment. But to make sure that things would go smoother, she had decided to just hide her real name.

The woman no longer says anything after hearing the name that Lisa provided. She just kept on walking, leading Lisa into a place that she assumed was the kitchen.

"Go help there. The king ordered us to make something to eat for the prisoners that the prince brought earlier."

Lisa's eyes widened at the mention of the prisoners. "P-Prisoners?!" She asked, a little louder than needed because of excitement.

The woman furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes at Lisa again, finding her suspicious. "Yes. Do you have a problem with that?"

Lisa mentally scolded herself for being a little excited and obvious. She cleared her throat and immediately shook her head, waving her hands in the air, "N-No. I-It's not like that. I-I was just surprised."

Lisa lamely reasoned out, which unbelievably slipped. The woman averted her gaze from her and stared at the raw ingredients laid out before her.

"Then just go to work. You've slacked off enough already. You should pay by doubling your effort."


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