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Lisa silently cried as she kept her eyes glued to the wall. She didn't do anything to oppose the prince. She was determined to do this, hoping that this really would save the beast. But before things ever got heated.

Jungkook, he pushed himself away from Lisa and just sat on the bed, looking away from the desperate mortal. Lisa, in curiosity, looked back at him, wondering what was wrong with the prince.

"Y-Your Highness?" Lisa called in a broken voice.

Jungkook heaved a sigh and scooted closer to the edge, away from Lisa, without sparing the confused blonde a look. With his back facing Lisa, sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached out for his armor and started putting them back.

"I'm not doing this Lisa." The prince suddenly blurted out. He no longer sounded or looked mad, but the tone of his voice was cold.

Lisa didn't know if she should be thankful that the prince changed his mind or not. She isn't sure what this could mean. She isn't sure if this was a good thing or not.

"T-Then-" Lisa was about to mention the beast but the prince cut her.

"It's not, Lisa." He simply stated, clenching his jaw.

"My decision hasn't changed at all. Even if we had sex or not, I'm still determined to kill her." The prince continued, then stood up from the bed, and started working with his armor on his upper body.

"B-But-" Lisa attempted to speak but the young man again interrupted her.

"Don't bother."

Finally done wearing his body armor, he turned around to look at Lisa, looking so disappointed in her. "No matter what you said or did, I won't spare that beast's life. Tomorrow, before the sun ever rises, I'll kill her with my own hands, and the next day after that, we'll get married. There's no use begging or attempting to escape from here."

The prince bent down his upper body to level his eyes on Lisa and, without blinking, he uttered, "Wherever you go, I'll come looking for you. Whether you want it or not, we'll get married because this story was ours."

After saying those words, the prince left Lisa alone again, loudly slamming the door closed. Her eyes, which were still not tired from crying for hours, shed some tears again as she hugged her knees closer to her.

How did things even turn into this?

Just a few hours ago, we were happily celebrating Jennie's birthday.

I was so excited about preparing for this day.

I was exchanging sweet words and kisses with Jennie.

Jennie was making a birthday wish for us to get the happy ending that we wanted.

But right now, things and our situation have taken a 180-degree turn.

Lisa's sobs got louder and louder, remembering the threat that the prince said before he left.

What would Lisa do? What can she do? Should she really just accept that this is how things would end between her and Jennie?

No. That's right. She couldn't just give up and accept it. They had never done anything to deserve this. It doesn't matter if the prince wouldn't stop looking for her if they somehow managed to leave this place in one piece.

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