Choosing between past and present

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"Father, I'll head out now." Lisa screamed, holding baskets of fresh new vegetables, standing in the doorway. 

Lisa was already about to go without waiting for her father's reply when Marco emerged from the kitchen in a hurry.

"Wait for a second, Lalisa." Marco uttered, making his daughter look back at him.

Marco enveloped Lisa in a hug as he uttered, "Take care, okay?"

Lisa smiled at her father and hugged him back for a brief moment.

"And so are you, father. Please don't push yourself too hard." Lisa said, then waved her hand at him before she finally went out of their house.

It has been one week already since her father started acting weirdly. As far as she can remember, her father wasn't usually touchy and this sweet, but suddenly, one day when she woke up, her father started acting like that. She isn't complaining though. She was just surprised and felt that his actions were odd. 

He was making her feel that he had done something wrong and that he was really grateful to Lisa to be alive. Lisa had never brought that up and just continued shrugging her shoulders.

"H-Hey Lisa. Are you going to the market now?" Lisa glanced at her side and saw the prince, walking closer to her while scratching his cheek shyly and refusing to look Lisa directly in the eyes.

"Your Highness." Lisa called and bowed down before the prince. "Yes, I'll go to the market now, Your Highness."

"Nice timing, I was about to head towards the capital too. Do you mind if I walk with you?"

Lisa gave the prince a bright smile, slightly shaking her head. "It was fine, Your Highness. I don't mind."

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