Part 9: More Savanna and Ash because why not?

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The sun was shining brightly on our wonderful group of heroes who were still sleeping....


One hero opens her eyes, the sun rays burning.

"Fuck me..." Savanna said, unzipping the sleeping bag and getting up.

"Arceus... I get it it's morning but don't try to kill my eye balls."  Savanna got up and walked over to a lake and looked at it and smiled.

"Might as well start training!" Savanna said, walking off to someplace else.

a couple of minutes later.

Savanna had her Pokemon out, training.

Pokespeech, Savanna's Grovyle's POV.

I was taking a break from training and I was standing with one foot on a tree and my arms were crossed.

Then I see My trainer's friend Ash come over.

My trainer had a crush on him since or before the starting of her Pokemon journey...

But she's too scared to say anything.

So I jump onto a tree and looked on as they were talking.

Human speech.

"So how you doing on this wonderful morning Savanna?" Ash asked.

"I am doing good, you?" Savanna asked.

"Good." Ash said.


All of Savanna's Pokemon were whispering.

"Get together already damnit!"  Dratini said.

"Why do I agree with the dragon snake thing?" Mightyena said.

"I am not a snake!" Dratini said, powering up a dragon rage.

"Ah shit!" Mightyena said, running off.

Human speech.

Savanna sighed and returned her Pokemon, besides Pikachu of course and walked off, Ash followed.

Savanna's Pikachu and Ash's started talking.

Ash and Savanna made it back and they walked to where the fire pit was and they sat down.

"I hope my Charizard is teaching yours everything he knows." Ash said and Savanna looked at him. "Because that's what I want to do with you." Savanna tilted her head.

"What do you mean?" Savanna said. 

"Well I can teach you about the Kanto region! And everything awesome about it!" Ash said and Savanna nodded.

Then Ash started talking about the Kanto region as Savanna only listened... 

"So cool!" Savanna said and Ash smiled.

"Hey can I tell you something?" Ash asked.

"Uh... Sure what?" Savanna said as Ash moved a little closer and put his hand over Savanna's.

" I just wanted to say I -" Ash was about to say.

"Morning love birds!" Brock said and Savanna sighed.

"Damnit!" Ash said in his mind.

"I see you two are holding hands..." Brock teased and Ash and Savanna rolled their eyes, and they let go.

Brock chuckled and sat down and started making Breakfast.

A couple of hours later.

Our heroes have made it to cerulean city, and they went to the gym.

"Hey Misty!" Ash said and Misty turned around and smiled.

"Hey guys!" Misty said, running up to them.

Savanna looked between Ash and Misty in Jealously.

A/N: Read and review! 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now