Part 8: Mt moon.

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Our heroes were walking  on route 3.

"So We are going to a place filled Zubats fun!" Savanna said.

"Well... Hopefully we don't have to be there for long..." Brock said as everyone sweat dropped and groaned.

"So your saying we are "hopefully don't have to be there long" So your saying we might be stuck in there for days on end?!" Savanna said.

"Yeah Brock I got a contest you know." May said. 

"Okay girls calm down... Hopefully.. w-" Brock was about to say as he looked over and May and Savanna had a fire around them and they started running towards Brock and Brock started running.

Ash and Ritchie sighed.

A couple of minutes later, Our heroes have made it to a Pokecenter.

"Okay after we rest up we head to Mount Moon or through it okay!" Brock said and everyone nodded.

Savanna walked off and she went to a room and walked over to the bed and lied down.

Savanna was deep in thought.

"Alright.... Let's do this..." Savanna said, getting up from the bed and walked out.

A couple of minutes later, our heroes were walking inside of Mt moon, Brock had a flashlight on.

"Alright soon we will be out." Brock said as everyone sighed in relief especially Savanna and May.

Then Savanna heard something and then she grabbed Ash's arm.

"What was that?" Savanna said, shaking.

Brock flashed his flashlight and it was a bunch of Zubats.

May grabbed Ritchie's arm and both girls gulped.

Ash got out a PokeBall, Ritchie did too.

But Savanna took out a PokeBall instead and threw it and out came her Silvally who roared.

The Zubats flew off and Savanna returned her Silvally, and she let go of Ash's arm, May let go of Ritchie's arm.

"Oh thank Arceus." May and Savanna said.

"Wait... THERE'S THE END YESSSS!!!" Savanna yelled and she ran off, May and Brock, and Ash, and Ritchie followed.

Savanna stopped and looked around and it was nightime.

"Alright we might as well camp out here for the night." Brock said, walking around and he started unpacking his camping stuff, everyone soon followed.

Savanna looked at the sky and smiled.

"Hopefully.... I will find her one day...." Savanna thought to herself...

A/N: Read and review 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now