Part 45: A old fan

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Savanna and the group were training hard. 

Savanna and Ash were on their last Frontier brain, Brandon, meaning they had to work extra hard for this one. 

A girl with a camera was taking pictures, Savanna sensed it due to her aura.

Savanna looked over and gulped.

"Shi-" Savanna gulped.

Than the girl jumped out.

"SAVANNA!!!!!" The girl Savanna seemed to know, jumped out and hugged Savanna tightly.

"I'm like still your biggest fan! I can't believe your here in Kanto!" The girl said.

Savanna gave a nervous chuckle and said "yeah pretty cool h-huh?" Savanna said.

The group watched on than Ritchie asked "Savanna who's that?" 

Savanna pointed and said "This is Krista my biggest fan... And... Yeah!" Savanna gave a nervous chuckle.

Krista started shaking everyone's hands, going crazy.

Savanna sighed.

"Krista you kinda making em uncomfortable." Savanna said.

"I know I know! But I can't help it!" Krista said.

Than she ran up to Savanna and grabbed her hands.

"I see your beautiful as ever!" Krista said, Savanna raised a brow.

"Uhh thanks?" Savanna was confused, but also concerned if this girl has touched any grass in awhile.

"So what did you pick as your starter? Charizard right?! I heard about how you put her into training!" Krista said, getting into Savanna's face.

"Yeah I did." Savanna said, backing up.

Ash whispered to May "what's with Krista?" 

May whispered back "Krista was Savanna's biggest fan. She would basically hold her hand you know the normal. Krista has a big crush on Savanna."

"So Savanna! Wanna have a battle?!" Krista said.

"Sure it might be good practice for me." Savanna shrugged.

A couple of minutes later.

"This battle between Savanna and Krista is going to be a three on three! When all one side's Pokemon is out, the battle is done! Trainers send out your Pokemon!" Brock said.

Savanna got out a Poke ball. "Go Dragonair!" Savanna threw out the Pokeball, out came the Dragon snake Pokemon.

Krista was fangirling.

"That's so cute!!! Okay! Go Manecirtc!" Krista threw out the Pokeball out, out came the dog like Pokemon.

"Battle begin!" Brock said.

"Manecirtc, Bite!" Krista commanded z as Manecirtc's teeth glowed and he dashed towards Dragonair.

"Dragonair. Dragon dance." Savanna commanded, as Dragonair's wings started opening up, Dragonair started glowing and she began flying around or dancing around.

The attack, raised up both of her attack and speed stats

Manecirtc was about to bite Dragonair and than Dragonair disappeared in a blur.

"What?!" Krista said, shocked.

Savanna smirked and grinned.

Krista's eyes began to light up.

"Your Dragonair is so fast!" Krista said.

Dragonair than appeared behind Manecirtc.

"Dragonair. Use Hyper Beam." Savanna commanded, Dragonair roared and a beam began charging up in it's horn, than Dragonair shot it off.

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now