Part 49: Dreams.

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After Ash lost to Brandon again, our heroes have found out the next location of the battle pyramid which is in Saffron city.

Anyway, our heroes were camping, one of our heroes was sleeping peacefully in her tent, with her childhood friend May being in the same tent for obvious reasons.

Savanna was having a dream but of what?

[The dream]

Savanna was alone, darkness surrounded her.

Savanna felt dizzy, but still stood up anyway.

Then a being with glowing red eyes stared down at her and it roared.

"Is that Giratina?" Savanna thought, she knew about the legendary due to her being a bit of a book worm as a kid.

The being roared, causing more darkness to surround Savanna, harsh winds hit Savanna like a ton of bricks.

Savanna could sense the rage and sadness.

" it calling me?" Savanna said, she slowly walked up to the being and got out her hand.

Giratina looked at Savanna, studying her.

Giratina was covered in black goop... 

"You seem so cheerful and passionate about your dreams yet you been through so much." Giratina said.

"You have been through the same pain and loneliness I have... We are connected in a way..." Giratina said.

Savanna looked at Giratina straight in the eye.

"Why do you want to talk to me..?" Savanna asked.

"Because we legendaries represent something...  Me... I represent your anger and rage, and sadness deep within your psyche. You want revenge on those who bullied you. Those who didn't believe in you... do you?" Giratina asked.

Savanna growled.

"N-no!" Savanna yelled.

"You keep denying it do you? You keep denying what you got from me.... It will come out soon you will see..." Giratina said, deforming into just a puddle.

[Back in the real world] 

Savanna sat up and panted.

"Arceus what was that." Savanna looked at her hands, Savanna's eyes then glowed red but she shook it off.

"No!" Savanna said, punching her head gently.

May opened her eyes.

"Savanna what's wrong?" May asked.

"Just a dream I had that's all." Savanna said.

May didn't want to push it.

"Okay. Just know I'm here if you need anything." May said, Savanna smiled as May went back to sleep.

The smile faded away though.

"What did Giratina mean by you can't keep denying what you got from me?" Savanna asked herself, so many questions no answers.

Savanna got out of the tent, maybe some training will help clear her head so she could think logically.

Savanna was always kind of person who thought logically, though impatient for certain things.

Savanna got up and walked towards the forest.

Savanna's eyes glowed red again.

"Stop that!" Savanna yelled quietly, bonking her head.

Savanna got out two Pokeballs, one containing her Sceptile, the other containing her Silvally.

She threw em out.

Sceptile and Silvally came out.

Sceptile tilted her head, Silvally just stared at Savanna.

"Can I tell you about a dream I had?" Savanna asked, both of her Pokemon nodded.

"I'm telling you guys because you both are my most trusted Pokemon." Savanna said.

Savanna sat down in front of the lake, Silvally sat beside her. Sceptile did the same thing.

"I had a dream... Where I was talking to the legendary Pokemon Giratina.... It told me... That I couldn't deny what I got from it which was anger, rage and sadness... At least I thought what it meant. I was bullied a lot as a child..." Savanna choked up.

Her Pokemon immediately grew concerned.

"I'm fine. Anyway, Giratina told me I would see that side of me soon..." Savanna said.

"But... I was alone a lot as a child.. being a famous child star doesn't help. So I guess Giratina thought I would want revenge... On those who didn't believe me, betrayed me, left me alone to fend for myself." Savanna said, fixing her jacket.

Her Pokemon listened.

"Anyway. I'm planning to use you two during my next match against Brandon.. I gotta not let winning cloud my judgement..." Savanna said.

"Scep tile Sceptile? (Who's the third Pokemon)" Sceptile asked.

"That's a surprise" Savanna chuckled.

"Now let's get focused on training shall we?" Savanna said, smirking. 

Sceptile and Silvally nodded as all three of them got up.

A/N: Yeah before the last Battle frontier symbol fight I just want to set up Savanna's arc in Sinnoh! So there's going to set up some stuff here and there. Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now