Part 48: Savanna vs Brandon Second rematch!

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After a couple of days our heroes have made it to the next Battle Pyramid location and Ash and Savanna were confident that were able to win this time.


Savanna went first for the rematch.

"This will be a one on one battle between Savanna and Brandon! The last Pokemon standing is the winner! Trainers bring out your Pokemon!" The Ref said.

"I'm not going easy on you Champion's kid. Go Regirock!" Brandon threw the Pokeball out and out came the rock type legendary.

"Alright... Go Silvally!" Savanna got another Pokeball and out came the normal type legendary.

Silvally roared.

"Silvally vs Regirock battle begin!" The ref, raising up both flags.

"Regirock! Rock tomb!" Brandon commanded. 

"Dodge it!" Savanna commanded, Regirock shot off the Rock tomb, Silvally ran and dodged the rocks.

"Crush claw!" Savanna commanded, Silvally jumped and it's claws glowed red and it slashed Regirock in the face.

"Regirock! Brick Break!" Brandon commanded as Regirock's fist started glowing and it punched Silvally in the stomach, sending it back.

"Silvally!" Savanna yelled out in concern.

Silvally got pushed straight into a wall, the smoke cleared, but Silvally wasn't done yet. Silvally got up and roared.

"That's it! Alright! Silvally! Let's show everyone our fighting spirit!" Savanna got out an orange disc, and threw it, the disc went into the slot on the Silvally's head causing it to change into a fighting type.

"Mutil attack!" Savanna commanded, her hand was reached out, Silvally glowed orange and jumped.

It's claws glowed as well, and it slashed Regirock.

"Did it just? Change?!" Brandon said, in shock.

"Yep it did!" Savanna said, smirking as Silvally landed back in front of her.

Regirock got on one knee due to the pain.

Savanna smirked.

"Regirock! Lock on!" Brandon commanded, Savanna clenched her fist.

Regirock's eyes glowed red and a target symbol (not the store) appeared on Silvally's chest.

"Silvally! Mutil attack!" Savanna commanded, Silvally glowed again and jumped.

"Hyper beam!" Brandon commanded, Savanna gulped and the hyper beam was shot off and it hit Silvally in the stomach, sending it flying straight into a wall.

"Silvally!" Savanna yelled, Silvally slid down and had swirls in it's eyes.

"Silvally is unable to battle! Brandon wins!" Savanna growled and returned her Silvally.

Savanna walked out angrily, the others looked on.

[With Savanna] 

Savanna was walking through the forest angrily, she was done.

"ARGH!" Savanna yelled as she punched a tree.

"WHY CAN'T I BEAT HIM?!!??" Savanna kicked the tree.

"Because your too overconfident." ??? Said.

"Who said that?!" Savanna yelled.

Brock came out of the bushes.

"Oh it's just you." Savanna said, calming down a bit.

Brock was like Savanna's older brother, but just the one she never had.

"Ash was the same way." Brock said.

Savanna looked at Brock.

"What do you mean?" Savanna asked.

"I mean is that, when Ash went into his first league. He lost and he was completely devastated. But Ritchie taught him that. Every lost should be a lesson, so you don't make those mistakes next time. And. Ash was also cocky and arrogant like you were in that battle." Brock said.

Savanna kept listening.

"What I mean is your mind is so focus on winning that your forgetting the small things. So maybe next time, go into the battle with a clear mind, you can have the determination to win but don't let it cloud your judgement and thoughts." Brock said.

Savanna's eyes widened.

"Thanks I will try that... Thanks Brock." Savanna said.

"No problem. Look Ash is having his second match with Brandon so." Brock said, Savanna nodded and began walking, Brock followed.

"She will become a excellent trainer one day with some guidance from the right people and she will do just fine." Brock muttered.

A/N: New chapter during my winter break yay! We are really close to finishing this book! Can't wait for Sinnoh y'all! 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now