Part 36: Possession.

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"are we there yet?" Savanna groaned.

"Uh almost!" Brock said.

Savanna sweat dropped.

"Brock are you sure your reading the Map right?" Ritchie asked.

"Yep!" Brock said, May sighed and grabbed the map.

"It was upside down the whole time." May said, Savanna groaned, but then the ground started crumbling under our heroes.

"Oh shit!" Savanna cursed, then the ground broke, causing our heroes to fall under.

A couple of minutes later.

Our heroes landed on the ground, pretty hard.

All of them groaned as they got up.

"It's so dark in here.." Savanna said, Ritchie smirked and grabbed a PokeBall and threw it into the air, making his Charizard appear.

"Zippo, use your tail flame!" Ritchie said, Zippo His Charizard nodded and roared and his tail flame started burning even brighter, lightning the place up.

Our heroes started walking around.

"This looks like a temple.." Savanna said.

Ritchie grabbed a torch and looked towards his Charizard who nodded, and shot off a weak flamethrower, lightning up the torch, lighting up the room more.

Everyone started looking at the markings.

"Woah..." Ritchie said..

"Yeah.." May said.

Savanna ran off.

"Savanna wait!" Ritchie called out, running after her, the others soon followed.

Savanna went inside a room and looked around, it had statues around some sort of throne which had a Pokeball on it.

Savanna's Pikachu jumped of her trainer's shoulder and stood as her trainer Savanna walked over to the throne and grabbed the Pokeball, and threw it up into the air.

Out came some sort of evil spirit and it flew into Savanna and she screamed.

"Savanna!" Ritchie yelled, and basically everyone else.

Savanna fell onto her hands and knees, Savanna then turned around and smirked, as a dark aura began to surround her.

"Savanna what's wrong?" Ritchie asked.

"Savanna" only smirked and got up.

"I'm not your friend Savanna! I'm.... The Prince of Pokelantis!" The so called Prince exclaimed.

"Now... Time to traumatize this bitch, since she's so persistent" The so called Prince smirked and laughed.

"Savanna! I know your in there!" Ritchie yelled, clenching his fist.

The dark aura disappeared.

"Ritchie....." Savanna weakly said "help...." The dark aura came back.

"This bitch is a fool! Now time to destroy you idiots!" The Prince said, Ash glared.

"Sceptile let's go!" Ash said, throwing out the PokeBall and his Sceptile came out.

The Prince smirked and shot off an Aura sphere, hitting Sceptile, sending it into a wall knocking it out.

"Shit! Sceptile return!" Ash said, returning his Sceptile.

"Sparky use thunder wave!" Ritchie commanded, His Pikachu Sparky jumped off his trainer's shoulder, and paralyzed The Prince.

"Fuck..." The Prince growled.

The Prince threw out a PokeBall and out came a Sceptile.

Meanwhile in Savanna's head.

"That's my Sceptile! Wait... Ritchie! Please hear me! Use thunderbolt on me!" Savanna yelled out.


"I feel like I can hear Savanna.... But... Not..." Ritchie said.

The Prince smirked.

"Leaf blade!" The Prince commanded but Sceptile only turned around and glared and used Leaf blade on the Prince instead.

The Prince was sent back in a wall.

"You piece of shit! I'm your trainer you should obey me!" The Prince said, Sceptile growled and looked towards Ritchie and nodded.

"Sparky thunderbolt!" Ritchie commanded, Sparky his Pikachu shot off the thunderbolt, Sceptile jumped out of the way.

The Thunderbolt hit The Prince.

"No!!!!" The Prince yelled, Ash grabbed the PokeBall and the spirit of the prince came out of Savanna (that sounds so wrong 💀) and then immediately got sucked into the PokeBall and Savanna fell onto the ground.

Ritchie ran up to Savanna and knelt down.

"Savanna are you okay?!" Ritchie asked.

Savanna groaned and opened her eyes and looked towards Ritchie and backed up.

"Stay back...." Savanna said.

"It's okay Savanna. I'm not here to hurt you!" Ritchie said.

Ash walked up to Savanna or try to.

"Stay away!" Savanna yelled, and she got up and ran to a corner.

"Savanna.... We aren't here to hurt you..." May said, Savanna returned her Sceptile.

Savanna shook and got up and walked off by herself.

A couple of hours later.

Our heroes were camping, on the Way here Savanna was dead silent.

"Savanna what's wrong?" Ritchie asked, Savanna looked up at him as Ritchie sat down besides her.

Savanna shook.

"Is he here???" Savanna asked.

"No he isn't..." Ritchie said, but then suddenly froze as Savanna jumped into his arms and started crying.

Ritchie being the nice guy he was, hugged Savanna back.

"Hey... Hey.. it's okay..."' Ritchie said... "I'm here.." Ash looked on in Jealously.

"Savanna...." May said.

Everyone watched on, Savanna's Pokemon and everyone else's watched on as the normally confident person Savanna just broke down in tears.

"This experience is going to change Savanna by a landslide...." Brock said.

Ash and May nodded...

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now