Part 22: Aura Discoveries, Part 3

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"Mew is an Legendary Pokemon, that takes care of a tree...  Called the Tree of beginning." The Male Lucario said.

"That said Tree was the one who created every living being besides Arceus. There's also Pokemon that are thought to be long extinct." The Female Lucario said.

"But what does this mean for our Pikachus?!" Savanna asked.

"Your Pikachus probably got teleported there." The Male Lucario said.

"Well than let's go!" Savanna and Ash said and they ran ran off, than the Female and Male Lucario  grabbed them.

"You must first meet the queen who's hopefully still alive." The Female Lucario said.

"Argh fineeeee!" Savanna said as both Lucarios let go and they walked off, everyone followed.

A couple of minutes later.

Everyone stopped.

"Queen Rin, how you been?" The Female Lucario said.

"I been great thank you... How you two Lucario been?" Queen Rin asked.

"Good.." The Female and Male Lucario said.

"Who are these people?" The Queen asked.

"This is umm." The Female Lucario said.

"I'm Savanna." Savanna said introducing herself.

"I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet town!" 

"I am Ritchie!" 

"I am May!" 


"Hello my Queen, I was wondering if you c-" Brock who was standing on one knee was about to say, before Savanna grabbed his ear and threw him.

"He's Brock, Anyway... How can we get to the tree of beginning?!" Savanna said.

"The Lucarios here can use their aura to track down where it is... And I have a car outside, anyway know how to drive?" The Queen asked.

"I know!" Brock said.

"Great!" The Queen said.

"Let's go!" Everyone except the queen yelled and they ran outside.

A couple of minutes later, everyone except the Lucarios were in the car.

"Ready!?" Brock asked and everyone nodded.

"Alright Lucarios lead the way!" Savanna said and the Lucarios nodded and closed their eyes and ran off, the car followed.

Savanna was sitting between Ash and Ritchie, May was sitting besides Ritchie.

Savanna looked outside in awe.

The Lucarios and the car stopped.

Ash opened the door, May opened her side door and everyone got out, Brock did too, they all walked up to the Lucarios and stood besides them.

"So This is why you guys stopped huh?" Savanna said.

There was a lake, with a rock that had some sort of weird flower.

"Let's go in!" Ash said.

One of the Lucarios jumped and stood another rock.

A couple of minutes later.

Everyone was having fun in the pool, Savanna was staring at Ash.

The Female Lucario giggled.

Savanna turned around and jumped.

"L-Lucario! Why did you sneak up on me like that?!" Savanna asked and Lucario walked over and sat down.

Savanna looked towards the Female Lucario.

"Sorry Mistress. But I have seen a change in your aura when you're looking at Ash, do you like him?" The Female Lucario asked, Savanna blushed at the question and turned away.

"N-no." Savanna denied.

The Female Lucario rolled her eyes.

"You remind me of my master before she confessed her feelings to Sir Aaron." Lucario said.

"Fine... I like Ash okay!" Savanna looked at Lucario again, blushing beat red.

"You know... I think you and Ash are meant to be.." The Female Lucario said.

"W-what do you mean?" Savanna asked.

"Well... Your Aura... I sensed it on the way here, it seemed to feel more calm and relaxed, unlike normal when your near Ash... Ash's Aura is something.... Different when he's near you.." The Female Lucario said.

"So that means?"

"It means... That... You two.. Are meant to be together... And... Your meant to be with him for the rest of your life." the Female Lucario said.

"Holy shit.." Savanna said.

"Hey Savanna I got something for you!" Savanna looked over and saw Ash and he had some sort of flower in his hand.

"That's a Time flower!" Lucario said.

"A Time what?" Ash and Savanna said.

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now