Part 25: Pokeblocks!

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"May, you want us to try out your new Pokeblocks?" Savanna asked.

"yep! Come on everyone!" May put the plate down.

Savanna's Eevee ran over and grabbed one piece and ate it.

Savanna's Eevee fell over and had swirls in her eyes.

"Eevee!" Savanna said, she ran over and picked up Eevee.

Eevee opened her eyes and got on Savanna's shoulder and nuzzled her.

"You don't like May's cooking do you?" Savanna said and Eevee nodded. "Let me try one." Savanna went over and grabbed a piece and threw it into her mouth and started eating it.

Savanna's eyes widen and she fell onto the ground, anime style.

Savanna's leg shook.

"That's certainly... A different taste than some other food I had."  Savanna said, getting up.

"Might as well." The guys said, as they grabbed one Pokeblock too and ate it.

Their eyes widened and they fell onto the ground, anime style.

"May I think we need to teach you how to cook." Ash said as everyone got up.

All the other Pokemon tried it, but they didn't like it.

Now the last Pokemon was May's Munchlax.

He grabbed a piece and threw it into his mouth, than started eating the rest of the Pokeblocks.

"At least someone likes May's cooking." Savanna said as May glared.

Savanna giggled and walked off with her Pokemon to train them. 

A couple of hours later.

"Alright team..... Ready to train even more!" Savanna said and all her Pokemon nodded.

"Alright Eevee. Swift on Silvally!" Savanna commanded. Eevee jumped and her tail started glowing and she swung her tail and stars came out, hitting Silvally.

Savanna's Pokemon were sparing by themselves.

"Eevee, your getting real strong huh?!" Savanna said and Eevee nodded.

"Soon enough it's gotta chose what it evolves into." Savanna jumped and she turned around and saw Ritchie.

"For Arceus's sake Ritchie don't do that!" Savanna said.

"Sorry! Anyway, Eevee's gotta make a choice... To what she evolves into." Ritchie said and Eevee looked at Savanna.

"I don't really care what she evolves into or what she decides. I will support her all the way!" Savanna said, she picked up Eevee and smiled, Eevee smiled back.

Savanna than held Eevee in her arms.

"So Ritchie why are you here? Not being rude or anything." Savanna asked.

"Well. Brock told me to come get ya, and your Pokemon for some dinner." Ritchie said, Savanna's eyes sparkled.

She ran off, her Pokemon followed.

"I think she's hanging out with Ash too much." Ritchie chuckled, as he followed.

A couple of minutes later, Pokespeech.

"I gotta know, how do you always have that Twig in your mouth?!" Savanna's Grovyle asked.

Ash's Grovyle shrugged his shoulders.

"I really don't know." 

Savanna's Grovyle sweat dropped.

"My Trainer's childhood friend's cooking is not good." Savanna's Eevee said.

"We can all agree on that, except Munchlax.." Savanna's Grovyle said as Munchlax was eating May's Pokeblocks.

"Well cooking is very hard for the first time." Savanna's Silvally said.

"How do you know that?" Savanna's Grovyle said.

"I did kinda live with Savanna when she was younger when she saved me." Savanna's Silvally said.

"Oh shit." Ash's Grovyle said as he pointed towards May's Combusken and Ash's Corphish who were fighting again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Savanna's Grovyle said as she facepalmed.

"Let me handle this!" Savanna's Eevee said.

"But are you sure?" May's Eevee said.

"Of course I am sure!" Savanna's Eevee said and she glowed white and ran towards the Pokemon and tackled them. "That will handle them... For now." Savanna's Eevee walked back and sat besides May's Eevee.

Savanna's Grovyle looked over (she's laying on a tree btw) 

"Still going at it." Savanna's Grovyle said, than their trainers stopped them.

"Good." Savanna's Grovyle said.

"Grovyle don't you want to evolve?" Savanna's Swampert said.

"Of course I do! I am not overdoing myself though." Savanna's Grovyle said.

Swampert nodded.

"So who's the next Battle brain person we are battling?" Savanna's Eevee said.

"Some person who likes snake Pokemon apparently. I think." Savanna's Pikachu said.

,"Cool! I hope Savanna uses me!" Savanna's Eevee said.

"Well your getting stronger by the minute so who knows?" Savanna's Silvally said.

"Right!" Savanna's Eevee said.

A/N: Do you guys ever want to know Silvally's backstory? Let me know and I will make a chapter based on it! Maybe! 


Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now