Part 7: The battle factory!

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Our heroes have made it to Pewter city.

"Alright I am going to check on the gym!" Brock said and he ran off.

"HE'S THE PEWTER CITY GYM LEADER!?!" Savanna yelled.

"PIKA?!" Savanna's Pikachu exclaimed.

"Yep!" Ash and Ritchie said and May and Savanna were shocked.

"Wow... Okay you boys go after Brock, I am heading to the battle factory!" Savanna said as she ran off, May followed.

Ash and Ritchie ran off to follow Brock.


"Alright... Where is it.." Savanna said as she was looking around.

"Hey look!" May said and Savanna and May stopped and May pointed.

"There it is..." Savanna smirked and she ran off, May followed.

They were inside and they looked around.

"Hello ladies.." Savanna looked over and saw a guy.

"Are you the battle frontier brain of the battle factory?" Savanna asked and the guy nodded.

"And you must be the Hoenn champion's kid... Savanna right?" The guy asks, Savanna nods.

"What is your name?" Savanna asked.

"The Name's Noland!" Noland said.

"My Name is May, Nice to meet you Noland." May said.

"Nice to meet you too May." Noland said.

"Alright... I didn't except Ash and Ritchie, nor Brock to take this long.." Savanna said gulping.

"Well maybe they are busy!" May said.

'I guess... Hey Noland can we battle?" Savanna asked.

"Of course! Your father did tell to be prepared for you.. Let's go!" Noland said and he walked off to the battlefield.

Savanna and May followed.


"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"  Ash commanded

"Sparky, you too!"  Ritchie commanded

"Steelix, Hyper beam!" Brock commanded.

All the moves were shot off, hitting the rocket grunts, blasting them off.

"Now come on we are going to be late for Savanna's match!" Ash said, running off.

"Or his girlfriend's match." Ritchie whispered in Brock's ear and Brock and Ritchie snickered.

"I heard that! And Savanna is not my girlfriend!" Ash said, turning around and stopped, and looked at the two.

"You want her to be do you?" Ritchie asked, snickering.

Ash blushed and both boys began to laugh and Ash rolled his eyes and walked off, the boys followed.


Noland was standing on his side of the field and Savanna was standing on hers.

May was holding onto Savanna's Dratini.

"Go Swampert!" Savanna threw the PokeBall and Swampert came out and unleashed a battle cry.

"Go Dragonite!" Noland said, throwing the PokeBall and his Dragonite came out and roared.

Dratini's eyes sparkled.

"Alright Dragonite, Dragon claw!" Noland commanded and Dragonite's claws began to glow green and he flew towards Swampert.

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now