Part 5: Drama.

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"Tyson hi!" Savanna got up and exclaimed.

"Savanna how you been?" Tyson asked.

"I been good." Savanna said.

"Good.." Tyson said and Ash got up and both boys glared at each other and Savanna walked off very slowly.

"So what you trying to do kiss Savanna or something?!" Tyson asked.

"What no! I am not pushing her into that! She has to say Yes in a wholeheartedly way!" Ash snapped back. (I am not joking, please people listen to others tone of voice.)

"Well it seems like you were about to!" Tyson snapped back as both boys bickered again and again.


Savanna was training again.

"Charizard is training as hard as I can... I can't stop..." Savanna said clenching her fist and Ash came back, obviously mad.

"Ash What's wrong?" Savanna asked and Ash turned around and glared.

Savanna backed up and whimpered and Ash kept looking at Savanna and turned away and walked off.

"Someone?" Savanna asked and May gave Savanna the peace sign and walked off.

Ritchie walked out and stood besides Savanna.

"Let's hope May can help Ash.." Ritchie said and Savanna nodded.


Savanna's Grovyle smirked.

"These two have a thing for each other you can see it in their eyes." Savanna's Grovyle said.

"I agree..." Ash's Grovyle said.

"Let's just hope they actually get together." Savanna's Mightyena rolled his eyes..

"Or your just hoping They don't get together because you are just protective." Savanna's Grovyle said, crossing her arms.

"I am not! I am just worried because you never know with a guy!" Savanna's Mighyena said.

"Your a guy too so shush it." Savanna's Grovyle said.

Ash's Phanpy walked over.

"Maybe they will call a stork to bring them kids!" Ash's Phanpy said as everyone sweat dropped.

"That's not w-" Savanna's Aggron was about to say before getting shocked by Ash's Pikachu.

"Don't tell him he isn't old enough!" Ash's Pikachu said, running with Savanna's Pikachu following.

"Okay sheesh." Savanna's Aggron shook off the ashes.

Ash and May come back.

"Ash seems better" Ash's Pikachu said.

"Yeah... Let's just hope he says sorry to my trainer for glaring at her like that." Savanna's Mightyena said.

"Oh stop it he didn't mean to do that." May's Combusken said.

"Oh shush miss chicken." Savanna's Mightyena said.

"What did you just call me?!" May's Combusken said.

"You heard me.. Miss Chicken." Savanna's Mightyena got up and growled.

"You piece of dog shit!" May's Combusken ran and Savanna's Mighyena started running to, until Savanna's Pikachu shot off a thunderbolt, stopping the two.

"Stop it! Ash already said sorry to Savanna anyway cool your jets!" Savanna's Pikachu said angrily.

Savanna's Silvally sighed as he watched Skitty play with it's tail.

A couple of minutes later, human speech.

Our heroes have returned their Pokemon and they were now, walking to the forest and then Pewter.

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now