Part 41: Sick.

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A/N: So irl since I'm sick I thought I would make this.

Our heroes were heading towards the next battle pyramid sighting, as they were heading there however. One hero was lagging behind the others.

"Can we take a break?!" Savanna groaned.

"We just took one!" Ash said, Savanna sneezed, Savanna used her elbow to cover it.

"Savanna you sick?" Ritchie asked.

"No." Savanna said, May put a hand on Savanna's forehead. "Dear Arceus Savanna your burning up!" 

Savanna grunted.

"It's just sun burning on my head!"' Savanna said and she sneezed.

Everyone sighed at Savanna's stubbornness.

"Alright we are going to make sure you feel better Ok!" Ash said, Savanna rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine!" Savanna exclaimed, everyone sighed.

A couple of minutes later, Savanna was lying in her tent, sick.

Ash came in with the medicine Brock made.

Ash sat down besides Savanna and put the bowl of medicine besides her.

"I'm not sick!" Savanna said, then she sneezed, she covered her nose using her elbow. 

Ash groaned.

"Just eat the medicine Savanna!" Ash said, Savanna sat up and rolled her eyes and grabbed the bowl and the spoon and started eating it.

Savanna put the bowl down and turned over.

"Alright I will just leave you with your thoughts." Ash said, grabbing the bowl and walking out of the tent, leaving Savanna alone.

"Leaving me alone with my thoughts isn't a good idea but ok." Savanna muttered.

Savanna started zoning out, she did this a lot as a little kid, it was a way to cope with her childhood.

But now she hates zoning out, she hates getting stuck in her own head.

Even if she gets stuck in her own head, it isn't exactly good.

She normally says not so pretty things about herself, thanks to all the bullying she received during school, she started believing the stuff she was saying to herself.

She knows she shouldn't but these people wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true right? 

Savanna doesn't know anymore, she gives up trying to find the answer...

She may act happy and cheerful on the outside but in the inside, she's slowly breaking from the pressure of being the champion's daughter, having aura, being a trainer etc.

She wishes she could have someone to vent this stuff too, but she doesn't...

Her mother wasn't there much during childhood, her father was busy with work, May and Tyson her two childhood friends were busy too.

The teachers didn't exactly like her..

So Savanna basically kept everything on the inside, due to her pride and stubbornness she didn't or barely show her emotions, she felt like she barely had a voice at all so to say.

Savanna kept lying there, still sick.

Mentally and physically... Savanna closed her eyes, trying to think of something else a person she doesn't fucking care as long it's something nice, something positive.

Savanna opened her eyes and groaned, and rolled over.

"Fuckkk,.." Savanna groaned, Savanna put her hand on her forehead, Savanna removed her hand as she felt a cloth on it.

Savanna looked up and saw Ash and she blushed.

"O-oh h-hey Ash." Savanna said, flustered, she isn't used to people being close to her like this more or less her crush.

Ash moved back.

"Feeling any better?" Ash asked as he put a bucket of cold water besides Savanna.

"Not really." Savanna said.

There was silence between the two, what could they say without getting flustered?

Ash decided to talk.

"Brock made me take care of you for some reason." Ash said, Savanna sighed. "Like I don't mind it! But I wonder why he chose specifically me." Ash sighed. "All he said was I could make you feel better or something" Savanna raised her brow.

"Weird, well I wouldn't worry about it I mean it's just a reason right?" Savanna said.

"I already thought of helping you anyway, Ritchie was going to but Brock whispered to him and then Brock chose me." Ash said.

"Huh weird." Savanna said.

"Hey how about." Ash lied on his side. "I tell you some stories from my other journeys?" Savanna nodded.

"Well then lie down and just relax." Ash said, Savanna nodded and lied down and relaxed and was ready to listen.

Ash began telling stories, from his Kanto, orange Islands and Johto journeys, both of them had lots of laughs that night.

The first time in forever Savanna actually felt happy, she generally felt a connection between her and Ash, she felt safe with him, something she never really felt in years, she felt like she can be herself without getting judged around him.

She's probably just biased because Ash is her crush, but she still generally felt a connection towards Ash that will probably last for a years or decades even! 

Both her and Ash fell asleep in the same tent that night, not in the same sleeping bag but you get what I mean.

A couple of hours later, Brock walked in and smiled at the two and muttered "Good night you two lovebirds."

Brock walked out of the tent and then zipped it up.

A/N: So... I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long while, I been busy, so School's finally over for me! So that means more chapters! And maybe sinnoh! If I will ever get motivation lol. Anyway, you know the words! READ AND REVIEW! 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now