Part 13: May's contest kinda?/ Savanna vs Greta!

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"Yay Vermilion!" Savanna said and she started running to the battle Arena, until May grabbed Savanna by the hood.

"Savanna remember My contest?" May said and Savanna nodded and May let go of Savanna's hood and she started heading off to the Contest hall instead.

May and the others sighed and followed.

Savanna ran into the contest hall, followed in by May and the others.

May walked off and Savanna looked over and saw Harley and clenched her fist.

After the contest.

"I got the ribbon!" May said and Savanna smiled.

"Oooo congrats May!!! This is what you get when you listen to me!" Harley said and Savanna was quiet and glared. 

Harley left and Savanna rolled her eyes, and got up and walked off.

"What's wrong with her?" May asked and everyone shrugged their shoulders.

A couple of minutes later, Savanna made it to the Battle arena and she had to spin a wheel and it was going to be a three on three battle.

Savanna walked onto her side of the battlefield and Greta went on the other side.

Savanna's friends came and sat on the belchers.

"My name is Greta champion's daughter, let's enjoy this fight!" Greta said, introducing herself.

"My name is Savanna." Savanna said and she got out a PokeBall.

"Alright.... Let's do this! Go Machamp!" Greta said and she threw the PokeBall and out came a Machamp.

"Go Grovyle!" Savanna said, throwing the ball and out came her Grovyle who crossed her arms.

"Ice punch!" Greta commanded and Machamp's fists started glowing and he ran towards Savanna's Grovyle.

"Use Quick attack and circle around!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle began to glow and she ran and Machamp was about to punch her but Grovyle dodged it and then went behind Machamp.

"Now!" Savanna said and Grovyle tackled Machamp from the back.

"Leaf blade!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle's leafs glowed and she slashed Machamp on the back.

"Grab it and then Ice punch!" Greta commanded and Machamp turned around and grabbed Grovyle using its bottom hands and then it's top hands started glowing and he started punching Grovyle.

"Grovyle!" Savanna yelled out in concern.

Grovyle glared.

"Bullet seed!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle shot off the bullet seed, hitting Machamp in the face, causing it to let go of Grovyle. Grovyle than fell onto the ground and got up slowly.

"Use Quick Attack to get away!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle glowed white and she ran behind Machamp, and tackled Machamp on the back, causing it to fall onto the ground and Grovyle jumped back and stood in front of Savanna and crossed her arms. 

Machamp got up and shook his head and glared.

"Cross chop!" Greta commanded and Machamp put his top arms into an X shape and ran.

"Quick attack!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle glowed white and ran and was about to tackle Machamp but then Machamp used it's bottom arms and grabbed Grovyle and then crossed chopped her and then let go, sending her flying.

"Grovyle?!" Savanna asked out in concern and Grovyle hit the ground and got up very slowly, then a green glow surrounded her.

"It's Overgrow...." Savanna said in awe and then she shook her head. "Alright Grovyle, Solar beam!" Grovyle ran and jumped and the sun glowed on Grovyle's leaf on her head and she opened her mouth, and fired off a beam, hitting Machamp, causing a massive Explosion, causing Machamp to hit a wall.

"Machamp!" Greta yelled out in concern and the smoke cleared and Machamp hit the ground, knocked out.

Greta returned it as Grovyle landed on the ground.

Greta then got out her Hariyama.

"Grovyle quick attack!" Savanna commanded and Grovyle glowed white and she ran and tackled Hariyama but it barely did anything.

"Knock off!" Greta commanded and Hariyama raised up it's hand and then hit Grovyle, sending her to the ground.

The smoke cleared and Grovyle was knocked out.

Savanna returned it.

"Pikachu let's go!" Savanna pointed and Pikachu ran and had sparks coming out of her cheeks.

"Focus punch!" Greta commanded and Hariyama's fist started glowing and he ran.

Savanna smirked.

"Iron tail on it's legs!" Savanna commanded and Pikachu's tail glowed a metallic color and she ran, and jumped and used iron tail on Hariyama's leg. "Keep doing it!" Savanna's Pikachu started hitting Hariyama's legs with her tail.

"Counter!" Greta commanded and Hariyama began to glow and then he punched Pikachu, sending her to a wall.

"Pikachu?" Savanna asked in concern.

Pikachu hit the ground and got up and walked and stood in front of Savanna.

"I knew you could do it! Alright! Use Thunder!" Savanna commanded and Pikachu nodded and jumped and shot off the thunder, hitting Hariyama, knocking it out.

Greta was shocked.

"How strong is that Pikachu?!" Greta asked herself as she returned her Sumo fighting type to it's PokeBall.

"Alright... Go medicham!" Greta said and she threw out the PokeBall and the psychic/fighting type Pokemon came out.

"Psychic!" Greta commanded and Medicham's eyes started glowing blue and he picked up Pikachu and slammed it against the wall.

"Pikachu try a thunderbolt!" Savanna commanded and Pikachu nodded and opened her eyes and shot off the thunderbolt, hitting Medicham, causing Pikachu to be free of the Psychic type's hold and she hit the ground.

But got up.

The Smoke cleared and Medicham was still standing.

Savanna's eye brow twitched.

"THUNDER!" Savanna yelled and Pikachu nodded and shot off the thunder, hitting Medicham, knocking it out.

Everyone was shocked and Greta returned Medicham and Savanna walked up to Greta and Greta gave Savanna the symbol and Savanna's Pikachu ran and got on her shoulder and Savanna walked off.

A/N: Read and review! 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now