Part 12: More Savanna and Ritchie moments...

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"you kidding me?!" Savanna said, clenching her fist.

"No I am not." Ritchie said and Savanna turned around and rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe we gotten separated because of some stupid Pokemon!" Savanna said angrily and she punched a tree.

Ritchie only watched on as Savanna was punching more trees.

"Okay maybe you should calm down..." Ritchie said and Savanna turned around and glared.

"I am not calming down you piece of shit!" Savanna snapped as some sort of red glow started surrounding her.

"Savanna, just relax...." Ritchie said and Savanna started powering up some sort of orb."Savanna please.... Calm down." 

Savanna stopped and shook her head and everything went back to normal.

"Sorry about that... Argh... Damn Anger." Savanna said.

"It's fine..." Ritchie said.

"Let's just keep walking." Ritchie said, Savanna nodded and they started walking again.

"So.... What are you going to do after this journey?" Ritchie asked and Savanna looked at him and looked back down.

"I don't know.... I don't know much of the other regions except the information I got from my father..." Savanna said.

"Well... I was wondering if I can still travel with you? It's been fun!" Ritchie said and Savanna smiled.

"Hell yeah! Of course! I don't know about Ash though..." Savanna said.

"Well... Maybe he will travel with someone else." Ritchie said.

"Maybe. Which I don't mind of course! He's free to do whatever he wants." Savanna said.

Ritchie nodded.

"Well... I heard Ash might have a crush on someone." Ritchie said.

"Wait what?" Savanna said.

"I am not telling you!" Ritchie said, running off.

"I must know!" Savanna said, following Ritchie.

A couple of hours later.

Savanna and Ritchie have set up a fire and were eating.

"Okay.. I get it... Now.." Savanna said.

"Alright good. I am tired from all that running." Ritchie said and then they both looked at each other for a second.

But they shook it off.

Then they started laughing.

"Your a pretty cool person Rick." Savanna said, teasing Ritchie.

"Shut the fuck up." Ritchie said and Savanna giggled.

Savanna punched Ritchie's arm and Ritchie punched Savanna back.

They laughed once more.

Next morning.

"Hey guys!" Savanna said, waving and they waved back as Savanna and Ritchie ran up to them and Savanna's Pikachu got back on Savanna's shoulder.

"Glad your back!" Savanna said and Pikachu nuzzled her.

"Alright... Tomorrow we will make it to the battle Arena. But we have to first go to May's contest." Brock said and everyone nodded and began walking again.

A/N: May has only won one ribbon btw, anyway, Next chapter is May's contest not really lol. Anyway read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now