Part 14: Rock tunnel.

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After our heroes Savanna and Ash got their symbols, our heroes decided to head through Rock tunnel to get to Celadon City. 

"Alright.... All we have to do is get through Rock tunnel." Brock said.

Everyone nodded.

"Well then let's go!" Savanna said, running off, everyone sighed and followed.

A couple of minutes later.

Our heroes were walking through Rock tunnel and Brock had a flashlight on.

"Let's hope we don't get lost." Brock said and Savanna gulped.

Our heroes looked around.

"This place seems old when you think about it." May said and everyone agreed.

"Alright we are almost there y'all." Brock said and then.... The ground below our heroes collapsed.

"AHHHH!!!!" Everyone screamed and then a couple of seconds later, they hit the ground.

"Fuck....." Savanna said, getting up slowly and everyone else groaned as Brock's flashlight turned off.

"Ahh crap.." Brock said, getting up and started looking around.

Ash, Ritchie and May got up and shook their heads.

"Alright Zippo help us out!" Ritchie said and he threw his Charizard's Pokeball out and his Charizard came out and roared.  "Alright Zippo use your tail flame to light this place up!" Ritchie said and Ritchie's Charizard nodded and his tail flame started burning brighter than before and it lit up the place around everyone.

"Alright let's go!" Brock said and everyone started walking.

Savanna was quiet and was looking around.

"So Savanna and May... How you likin' the Kanto region so far?" Ritchie asked and Savanna gave Ritchie a thumbs up.

"It's been great Ritchie!" May said and Savanna smiled and looked down.

"Something wrong Savanna?" Ritchie asked and Savanna looked up.

"No I am fine thanks for asking." Savanna said and she looked back down.

"Okay..." Ritchie said.

"Hey look! There's a light!" May said, running and everyone followed.

A couple of minutes later.

Everyone made it through Rock tunnel and Savanna sighed in relief.

"Alright, let's go......" Savanna said, walking and Ritchie returned his Charizard thanking it for it's help.

"Woah.... This is such a beautiful field..." Savanna said and everyone walked over and stood.

"Wow..." Everyone said.

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora