It's Just Good Business

Start from the beginning

"Not helping your case here."

Fucking asshole. I never supported the phrase or song "drink the pain away" but this damn burning feeling in my chest is making me have second thoughts. I've had it since I was nearly impaled by that fucking devil trident and I have no clue how to get rid of it. While it isn't incredibly painful, I can definitely feel something burning in me and it isn't exactly pleasant. What kind of bullshit debuff is this?

If the Canadian Devil is any indicator, then there's a fair bit more to demons in general then what canon has depicted what with the new abilities and how they get access to Earth and such.

Demons in this world have been shown getting to Earth through either certain conditions (South Park movie), rituals (Season 22 Episode 6-7, Al Gore summoning), prayers (Stan summoned him that way last episode), or deals (what Canadian Devil did) and each instance seems to grant them access to a certain amount of their power on the surface world.

The Canadian Devil said himself that he got 'lots' of his power and not 'all' his power on Earth when we fought. This idea is further proven by Satan who had to borrow Stan's soul and possess him so he could overpower and defeat the Canadian Devil both in the show and in this world. Possession must have granted Satan access to more of his power in the overworld then what he got through being summoned by Stan's prayer alone.

The knowledge I have from the show is a good starting point but there seems to be a bit more to South Park's lore than what was shown in the cartoon. There's still so much I have yet to confirm here. Are the other TFBW superhero classes real? Who else here has powers? Just what is the deal with netherborn, satanic, and other magical powers here? Hell and R'lyeh probably have a good chunk of answers for me but I have no way of getting to either without dying so I'll have to put a pin on that issue for now.

Kick that giant cock's ass, Kenny!

Oh, if you're wondering where the rest of Team Stan is, they're probably looking for wherever McNuggets ran off to. How do I know McNuggets was kidnapped and sent to a farm in Montana, I just do so don't question it, okay?

Suddenly, a few dozen police officers interrupt the match with Randy performing his own version of cock magic soon after. I got to see the whole show this time around and it was actually pretty good but I ended up bailing with Kenny and everyone else except the police during Randy's final trick.

As we were walking home, I made sure to remind Kenny to not do any of our secret activities for a while. The two part finale of season 18 is coming up and I don't want Cartman and all his viewers seeing what we do behind the scenes. As for Grounded Vindaloop, I didn't feel the need to change anything with that episode and ignored it. I totally didn't ignore it just because I have no fucking clue what was going on in that episode. Nope.

I don't need to change everything that happens in the show as not everything causes tons of problems. If it's just Team Stan doing their usual antics without endangering the entire world, then I tend to ignore it unless I either have something to gain from interfering or just want to have some fun. The major problems like the ads or member berries is where I plan to be a bit more active as they cause lots of problems for everybody, especially me when it comes to the ads.

No wonder Matt and Trey didn't have New Kid become canon in the show. The ads would totally target him and it would be game over for that world.

I haven't really had a break like this from training since I came here so it should be nice unless one of the Cartmans decides to annoy me. The regular one should know better by now. The cupid one needs to be taught a similar lesson.

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