Crystal Princess

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It's been a few weeks since her left leg had been amputated when a scorpion mutant stung her leg. Reika had to wear this automail leg for her to walk and she hated it. She smelled like the metal gut covered thing looked weird and it was attached to her leg.

Man, she never liked it a bit. She really wished she could get this thing off her amputated leg. But somehow, her instincts made her snape to reality.

She looked down to see someone dragging a strange crystal creature into something that was forbidden.

"I bet it's the Foot Clan," she guessed. Reika really hated those nasty people but she was wondering who that Crystal Yokai is. She started to sprint ahead to find out where she came from.

"That was one easy heist, don't you agree Korai," Scientist smiled at her Mismagius. Korai nodded in agreement as the Crystal Yokai stepped away. They have taken her to a warehouse where they can steal some of the special crystals.

"You two are evil people, are you," the princess asked her.

"We're called the Foot Clan," the Scientist introduced herself. "We're gonna teach you a lot of things."

The Yokai looked at the two yokai but she wasn't gonna stay here. "I do appropriate the offer, but I must be going."

"Wait, we wanted you to get a job. My lieutenant told me that you can make diamonds. Why don't you make one,

The yokai lifted her head and understood what she meant. "Oh, that's why. In that case, I'll be happy too."

She lifted her hands and concentrated her magic, in a sparkle, a bright diamond landed on the ground. Scientist grabbed the small object and beamed with joy.

"Wow, this gem is so perfect!" she exclaimed. "Try and do some more!"

"As you wish."

She started to concentrate and with that moment, dozens of pink crystals started to form and flood the entire warehouse, covering Korai and Scientist. They both squealed and laughed as the gems covered them up.

"Ha ha! We are totally rich!" Scientist cheered.

Reika jumped onto the rooftop and saw the crystal all over the warehouse. It was strange that no yokai can make crystals. She looked down and saw the crystal yokai that is at the bottom of the ground.

"Hey," Reika called. "Stay far away from them. I'll get you away."

The princess looked up as the sea turtle kunoichi jumped down and began to carry her up with both her arms. She held on as the ninja jumped into the air and back onto the rooftop. She started to run to each rooftop to get away from the Foot and into the city.

Reika had finally taken a rest at a nearby rooftop near a pool as the crystal yokai was safely placed down. "It looks like we're safe." she sighed in relief, wiping her brow.

The crystal princess looked at Reika and she felt so glad. "Young warrior, I am grateful that you rescued me," she smiled, bowing her head.

Reika began to smile smugly. She does appreciate the rescue and she is proud of it. "No problem, girl. I am Reika, from the Sea Monarchs."

"Reika..." the yokai murmured. "I'm Princess Diancie."

That sound of the word princess made Reika's eyes grow wide. "You're a princess? So cool. Crystal princesses are able to make magical diamonds but so many thieves wanted to steal them."

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