The Longest Fight

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The warm peaceful lair seemed well for the sisters. It is about time they have been looking forward to the skateboard event which might happen any time soon.

"Okay, we got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs and duck a l'orange pizza!" Mikey checked out. He had cooked everything based on his personal talent.

"As if today could get any more perfect," Donnie grinned, holding a tablet with his robotic arm.

Manako then came by, holding a tray of freshly baked cupcakes. She was wearing a lovely apron and wore flower pattern gloves. And around her head was a white bandana with heart patterns on it. "Whew," she huffed. "I'm so glad that I didn't manage to overheat the oven that much because of the cupcakes I made."

Mikey began to blush. "Those cupcakes look so good."

The green sea turtle took notice and she blushed. "Uh, thanks."

The tablet began to turn on. "Live in Tokyo, the extreme skateboarding finals."

"It's starting, guys," Raph cheered.

The turtles began to gather as Leo, who was skateboarding from the skateboard ramp, looked down at the group.

"Three hours of insane tricks. And the rumors are true. Sydney Allen will attempt a 14-40 on the Mega Ramp."

"Is that even possible?"

"No way."

"She's gotta be a mutant."

"She's a hoomin," Tomoka corrected them.

"Hey. I bet I could do a 14-40," Leo smiled, thinking he could try the trick.

The other brothers and sisters looked up from above. "I will forget my usual, "No, don't, That four rotations. That's crazy talk, Leo," and skip right ahead to cover the food," Donnie said, sarcastically.

"For Sydney!" Leo cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

"Just be careful!" Shira begged, calling.

"Somebody protect the food and my cupcakes!" Manako cried, using her grassy magic and wrapped around the buffet.

The red eared slider flips his skateboard as he jumps down. He sped right past his siblings, making the girls look up. Leo lifts his skateboard high in the air, but his missteps cause him to lose his balance. He tumbled down as his skateboard flew around the lair. Mikey and Raph laughed at this while Manako and Reika shook their heads.

"Well, that's a first try," Reika muttered.

Unfortunately for them, Leo's skateboard crashes into the router on the wall. It let out an explosion, breaking many wires and codes.

"The Wi-fi!" Raph cried. "Wi-fi, skating, Raph watch, Donnie fix, Raph happy."

Donnie begins to panic. "I need pre-game. Stats, highlights of past stats, projections of future stats. We're missing the stats, people!"

"And we're gonna Miss Sydney and the 14-40!" Mikey cried, running around.

"We're gonna die!" Manako wailed.

They race around panicking like crazy. Well, that is except Shira and Reika of course, who looked at each other in confusion.

"Everybody, cool it," Raph told everyone to remain calm. "There's worse things in the world than-" He paused before he lowered his giant head. "Oh, who am I kidding? Our lives are ruined. No, wait. I get a fix. But it ain't gonna be pretty."

While the brothers talk to Splinter, the sisters look at the broken wi-fi that is still sparking.

"Do you think you can fix it?" Shira asked Tomoka.

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