The Mutant Menace

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"Birthdays ruined, parks destroyed, museums vandalized. Tonight on Cybersleuth, I reveal the culprits. Beware the Mutant Menace!"

"Mutant Menace?" Mikey gasped in horror. The video that the kid recorded was telling the destruction of what happened for the past months. Ever since, the rest of his brothers and the girls caused a lot of destruction that they have created since their wacky adventures around New York. His eyes grew wide in a panic as he held the tablet in his hands. "Ohmigosh. They're talking about us!"

"I can't believe we're getting blamed for this," Leo moaned in dismay. "Virtually everything in there was somebody else's fault. I think."

"You don't get it," Reika glared, frowning. "First, you've ruined a birthday party and destroyed Albearto's Pizzeria when the robot came to life. Second, you all knocked a bunch of busts in domino styles at the museum, and third, we have all the robot bears destroyed themselves and most of the attractions have been destroyed."

"Hey," Shira whined. "We did get the money from Times Square and our musical number."

"So unfair," Donnie sighed, pouting. "Although, it is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image."

"I just can't put that into it," Tomoka muttered.

"Look, guys," Raph assured them, "I think this might be an opportunity to turn a dark cloud into a silver lining. You fellas ever read this fine piece of literature?"

He held out a book in his hands. Donnie took a look at it. "Horrible Wolfie, the harmless wolf pup?"

"You have a kid's book?" Reika asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. It's the touching story of a kid wolf who shows up at a town full of humans, who all want to run him through with a pitchfork."

"That's supposed to be touching?" Manako asked, poking her head from behind them and raising her eyebrow.

"But Wolfie didn't run away. He performed loving deeds for the hateful townsfolk and they welcomed him into their hearts. So that's what we'll do. We'll get in our giant tank and smash people in the face with good deeds."

"You mean to act good?" the green sea turtle peeped.

"If that's the case, Raph agrees," said Reika.

Shira doesn't like this idea. "Wait. What if something really bad happens?" She doesn't like the feeling that they'll cause more trouble again. They did so much mischief on the surface. Yet, they think that they're monsters who scare everyone.

Reika shoved her older sister off. "Don't fret. It's gonna be fine."

"Yeah, we are good doers!" Mikey chirped.

"Oh, this is gonna look great on my college application," Donnie replied.

"Any votes for staying home during the anti mutant panic?" Leo asked the others. "No? Okay leggo!"

That evening, the Turtles drove to New York down the street.

"Now each time we do a good deed, we'll leave behind one of our friendly calling cards," Raph said.

"This good deed brought to you by quote unquote Mutant Menace. Winky Face," Mikey peeped, revealing a card that the girls scribbled and made. "Who would have loved this?"

"A good thing I did it myself," Manako replied.w

"Okay, everyone," Shira said. "Let's get to work."

That is what they did. The group did they're part helping the city. Leo opened up a window for a cat to enter inside when it tried to get in the apartment. Donnie fixed the hydrant with his flamethrower, and Tomoka fixed the road with her cement mixer gadget. Meanwhile, Shira started to find a lost newborn kitten and headed toward the apartment where the mother cat had a litter of kittens to give it to them. Manako started to deliver cookie boxes in every bakery she found. Tomoka began to find a broken glass section and started to clean up the sidewalk and placed it in a bucket so Reika can help use her flame to melt the glass and make it a window. Along their way, Mikey and Manako began to place calling cards whenever they fixed something. But they all didn't know that this was going to cause more trouble.

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