Raph and Reika's Ride Along

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Reika and Raph seemed to be the ones going on an adventure first in the Hidden City. Reika looks around and sees all her siblings exploring the Yokai world, all in groups as they go off to different directions. I wonder what adventures they might encounter, she thought, thinking to herself. She was eager to try and fight bad guys and stop crime, even though there are a few wanted posters, those that had Draxum on it and those who are unfamiliar to her. Raph found a brochure on the map section and picked it up.

He began to read it. "Police Ride along. Ride side by side with the Hidden City police as they conquer crime in the underworld. And you get one confiscated item. "

Reika looked over and stared. "Interesting."

"I am not passing this up," he chuckled as placed the brochure back.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Reika asked.

"Of course, Reika. We can take down on any criminal."

Reika surely felt that she's gonna regret this. Looking up at the white building, which must be a police station. It is very expensive and most of all, it was a very busy station. Raph and Reika entered inside. Once they entered, some of the police gasped and muttered, whispering to each other as they held what looked strangely familiar to them when they saw them. Reika turned her head toward the police with a confused look, wondering why they were looking at them and holding their crossbows. It doesn't matter because maybe they are famous heroes or something. Reika and Raph went over to the counter.

"Hello, good officers, sir," he greeted them. "We would like to partake on your ride along program."

The officer took notice. They looked at the two turtles and then at the wanted fliers. "Sure, right this way!"

"Let us help you," the lion yokai offered.

The two Yokai police begin to leave and escort Raph and Reika outside where they see a funny looking snail-like van. Dragged on her feet, Reika felt a bad vibe that something was very off about this. It looks like these officers are looking at them suspiciously.

"So interested in crime, aren't you?" the sheep yokai asked them.

"Um. Yeah, of course," Reika nodded a little.

"Oh, yeah. Some say I'm an expert," Raph remarked. "But I say you and learn more-"

But before he could say anything, Raph and Reika were being pushed in the van. The two turtles lifted up their heads, noticing that their weapons were gone.

"What the? Hey, where my-?" Reika stammered, looking for her axes.

"We'll hold onto your sticks for quote on quote insurance reasons!" the yokai said holding the tonfas and axes. The doors close behind them.

"Insurance reasons?" Raph asked, confused.

Reika poked her head at the bars. "Can you tell me what the heck is going on?"

"Man, I can't believe Heinous Green and Slashie walked right into our station!"

"I guess he's more brawn than brains. and Slashie is spiky," the other yokai agreed. They got into the front car and started to drive their way to the prison.

Raph and Reika stumble a little bit on the rocky road as they try to look around in the dark. They can hear someone and it is coming from everywhere. Reika released her flame so they could see in the dark. To their shock and fear, it seems they're not the only ones in the prison cell. One blue creature looks a lot like Leo but with blackish hair, a rockstar punk outfit and a blue headband that looks like an ogre. Another was a rat wearing a purple suit and hat, almost like Donnie. The third one was an electric eel with an orange headgear almost like Mikey.

A ROTTMNT Fanfiction Half Heart💓 Hero SoulheartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora