Donnie, Tomoka Vs Witch Town

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Tomoka, Donnie and April seemed to be the ones next on the tour, ready to explore the next section of the Hidden City. Tomoka followed after Donnie and April as they held up a map. On April's shoulder was Nymphia and above was Spirit and Maizie.

"Battle Nexus, here we come!" Donnie cheered. "A rumor has it that Shadow Fiend is quite a fierce champion."

"You go ahead," April said. "Nymphia, Maizie, Spirit and I will catch up to you after I'm done in Witch Town."

"Witch Town?" Tomoka asked, curiously. Twila was floating next to her. "Is it a magic source section?"

"Of course! You're going to like it here, Tomo."

"You're asking a witch for help on your science fair project," Donnie asked, shocked.

"Drop it, D."

"But why not ask me? Mr. Science!"

"You want the reasons in chronological order, or epicness of fail order," replied April.

"Hm, that must have been the work of another Teenage Mutant Ninja Donnie," muttered Donnie.

"I'm going simple this year," April explained. "Science of chairs. Since chairs are boring, I'm hoping a witch might help me bring out my presentation."

"As if mystic powers could never be more tingly than my sweet, sweet science."

"Let it go, Donnie. Let it go," Tomoka comforted him before she floated off.

"Let it go?!" the softshell peeped, dishonest. "Does she even know me?!"

The group headed off and entered the town. As soon as the three friends stopped at the doorway, a sign read Witch Town in Asian fonts. The gates opened by themselves to reveal the village. It was filled with many magic houses coming from different shapes and sizes, Yokai wizards, goddess-like statues, and magical performances throughout the platform. It's so cute! Everywhere they look, there are witches and mages mixing potions, creating little sprites, riding on brooms, and performing magic on stage. Tomoka couldn't believe her eyes and realized that this place must be perfect for her.

 Tomoka couldn't believe her eyes and realized that this place must be perfect for her

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"Wow. So many cool witches to choose from!" April beamed.

"Hate to disagree," Donnie declined and began to lament. "Oh, who am I kidding? I'd love to disagree so to reiterate, not a fan of mystics."

Twila let out a disbelief groan as Nymphia frowned. "Okay, Donnie," April sighed, "if you can tag along on my day, can you just for once be a little open-minded?"

Donnie stopped when he heard April. "Sorry. What was that? I was too busy stewing over how everyone needs to be more like me." He turned his gaze to his girlfriend. "Hey, Tomoka, are you okay?"

He could see that Tomoka was floating around and squealing with excitement, believing that her dreams had come true. She could not help it, not even a bit. "Oh, my sparks, this place is so cute!" she squealed. "I never knew this Witch Town was so magical and cute at the same time!"

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