Operation Normal

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In the Run of the Mill Pizzeria, April, Leo, Donnie, Shira and Tomoka are sharing a booth. April looked at the pizza in front of them. There's wiggling worms and octopi on top of the dish. "Is that pizza looking at me?" she asked, staring at it. She shivered in disgust. "Guys, could we maybe just order cheese?"

"What? You mean not get the super creepy supreme?" Donnie replied.

"Surely is creepy to me," Tomoka shuddered.

"I wish just once we can go to a normal pizza spot," April hoped, under her breath.

"But you know we can't go into human places with uh, this whole situation," Leo reminded her.

Shira patted his back. "Trust me on this. Every human or Yokai is weird."

'I know. It's just sometimes a girl needs normal. Ugh!" April was so disgusted when the two land and sea turtles ate them, the tentacles still dangling from their mouths.

"What do you mean? What's not normal about this?" Donnie muffled.

"Okay, birthday boy, get ready to party!"

Slime exploded in a spurt of energy and landed all over the yokai, walls and floor. It came from a slime yokai, who was attending a birthday party for a child. Shira shook the slime off her head while the boys used the menus as a shield.

"Exploding Frankie never gets old," Tomoka laughed.

The teen let out a sigh. "I'm going to class." April shook the slime off her body and began to leave the pizzeria. As she did, one slime monster realized that his eyes were missing.

"Hey, has anybody seen my eye?"

As April got into school, she opened the science classroom, panting heavily just in time for the bell to ring.

"So everyone has their lab partners."

April moaned in dismay. "No. I'm a partner-less freak."

"Miss O'Neil, this is science. We leave emotions at the door. You can partner with our new student."

She went over to her desk and wished that someone would come. "Please be normal," she pleaded a few times. She looked up and saw a Hawaiian girl emerge from the classroom. She has short black hair, eyelashes on her eyes. She wore a pink headband with a magenta dress with kitten socks, and there was a pair of silver boots. She wore an amulet that is green.

"Aloha. It means both hello and goodbye," the girl introduced. "This time, I'm using it as hello. I'm Sunita. Sorry, was that weird?"

"No. I've seen weird things and that is not It. I'm April." She smiled before she opened up her book.

"Open your books to page 143. And please, let's be adults about these gruesome photos of human anatomy."

Sunita held a page as she looked, which was the inside human body mapped out. How interesting to show all the body systems in a human body.


Sunita then noticed something on April's shirt. It was a tiny slime on her shoulder. "Oops.. You've got a little googlyschootz on you." She flicked it off. April realized it came from the slime yokai Frankie. She ducked over, trying to wipe the slime away.

"Is everything okay?" she asked her.

"Yep, all normal here," April stammered, trying to be normal as possible.

"Hey, what's your number? We should hang out sometime."

April redeemed herself for a few minutes. "Yes, we should. That'd be totally normal. I mean, totally. So yeah, let's exchange numbers."

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