Divine Clash

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[I have so many questions.]

'They'll have to wait' Fayden could do nothing but float in the void of space. How does one even move properly in zero gravity?

Nevermind the fact he doesn't even need to breathe, a bit of mana does the job of oxygen only much more efficiently.

He glances around, his arm moving slowly to grab a shard of frozen lava. It felt like it could shut down suns and melt planets in a heartbeat.

He shook his head, he couldn't afford to let his mind wander. He moved, forcing his body to work in circumstances it had never been in before. His body answered, constantly evolving with each small movement until he was able to move properly once again.

He turned his gaze towards the center of the planet he had just been in, the being that called itself Alexander staring back at him.

It no longer possessed a human form, having forsaken its mortal confines for the body of a true storm dragon. Its icy blue scales shimmered even in the void of space. Jagged ice horns rose from his head, his wings larger than all of Dicathen.

[It will be hard fighting something that big.]

'What says we have to fight in this form?'

[Your exoskeleton armor was barely 100 feet tall.]

'I never said I was going to use that.'

[What then?]

Fayden smiled dangerously, his silver runes cracking and shattering, his body absorbing the fragments.

[No! We do not know what will happen if you enter that form now! Stop the process, complete transformation is beyond y-!]

'Either way I'm dying, might as well go out with a bang.'


His core began spilling out Nacht in incomprehensible amounts, it began painting the very universe in black, snuffing out every source of light, consuming galaxies whole.

For a moment Fayden thought he saw a face in the sky, it stared right at him and looked strangely familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.

He almost yelled out in pain when he felt his back shift when something welled up behind him and ripped his back apart. Two pairs of dark feathery wings ripped themselves free of his back, each feather darker than the next. His hand went back instinctively to touch them, but he pulled back.

Black mist covered his body, clinging onto his skin, fusing with his very existence. His fingers grew claws, claws so sharp that when he moved his hand they tore holes into reality itself.

A tattered cloak formed from his waist, flowing with an ethereal wind. He panicked when the mist crawled up his face, getting into his mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. He thrashed around wildly, feeling the nacht alter his body from the inside. A halo formed behind his head, like the moon in an eclipse.

When he opened his eyes next he saw with a clarity he didn't think was possible. Everything looked so clear, even in the pitch darkness of space. His eyes were pitch black, the pupils like galaxies against the bleak void of space.

He looked down, and the dragon below him roared out in defiance. The Nacht hadn't reached him, he saw the mana and aether around him fuse in a way similar, yet different to Nacht. What resulted were bluish-white particles so cold Fayden felt the chill from where he was.

He opened his mouth, its inside like a black hole, ["Nog, mgepogg dragon ot storms. C' mgah'ehye mgr'luh hh' ah superior, storm ngnah n'ghft"]

Alexander merely roared.

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