Time to demonstrate

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Arthur stomped his feet down and pieces of the earth were pushed up. Using this to my advantage I leaped from rock to rock and conjured twin ice swords this time. Taking another leap I exited her line of sight, behind another rock.

Meanwhile Arthur threw one of the rocks towards her. She responded with a wind barrier that blocked the rock.

Insta-casting huh. Interesting.

Let's go Zeke


Zeke came out of my shadow and positioned himself in front of me. I grabbed him and mentally shouted. NOW!

Instantly I was taken to a world of shadows holding on to the small body of Zeke, which surprisingly was strong enough to pull me along. On closer inspection his body emitted a faint white glow. So he's augmenting huh?

I couldn't ponder any linger as we came out of the directors shadow and I proceeded a twin diagonal 'X' like slice, fully expecting to get her.

What I didn't expect was her noticing me and blowing me away with a wind tornado.

"So, your bond is a shadow wolf." She said.

Giving a nod I looked around the courtyard.

I could see Arthur coming in a tornado of wind. So I decided on the same, creating a maelstrom of wind mixed with particles of ice conjured in it, and charged her. 

Within this short timeframe she managed to chant another spell. The mixture of our three spells absolutely annihilated the paved ground but barely harmed either of us.

"Impressive," she said, "try to stay conscious."

She pointed her fingers at us and blasted us with magic. Sound magic.

My eardrums felt like they would be torn any moment and my ocular fluids vibrated at such intensity that I feared my eyes would burst. So I took a risk, I tried augmenting.

I know I almost killed myself back then, but that was almost four months ago and I've broken through to light red stage since then. 

From the corner of my eyes I saw Arthur admitting defeat, suppressing his pride. But my pride wont go down that easily, not until I have tried everything, everything other than using my beast will that is.

I conjured a cloak of pure mana around me and allowed my body to absorb it. From the outside it would look like I was bathed in white flames before they formed a layer over my body.

Looking at my arm I saw it covered in a white film of mana. But I couldn't be excited about this achievement now, not while my ears were still ringing, eyes still unsteady, albeit at a much lower level.

Reluctantly I sat down admitting defeat, much like my brother.

Looking up I saw the shocked faces of everyone, other than Arthur who only grinned at my achievement. In the heat of the moment I didn't really have it in me to be excited. But now? Now I had a ear splitting grin plastered on my face and many, many more moves in my arsenal.

"That should be enough of a demonstration right?" Arthur broke the silence.

"Y-yes....It was quite sufficient." Director Cynthia managed to regain her composure in time.

"Y-You two can use more elements?" The baffled voice of my Father cut in.

"What do you mean 'more elements'?" Director Cynthia asked with a confused face.

"Th-they used fire magic yesterday, a-and lightning, burning down my lawn. That's why I brought them here." Vincent spoke with an equally baffled face.

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