Last stand

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Nathan Ambers POV :

Beside me Elijah rubbed his eyes, still in disbelief of what just happened.

The others broke out into whispers upon recognizing two of the students as the Student Council President and a member of the Disciplinary Committee.

"Shhhhh." Draneeve waved his hand to silence the audience, "I know you all have hundreds of questions, but I'd like to introduce myself first."

Taking a few steps forward he straightened his robe and combed his hair, "As I said earlier, I go by Draneeve."

He paused, as if expecting something.

A few seconds he shrugged, "I know I seem like the bad guy here, but I'm actually on your side."

How absurd can he get?

Seems like the crowd agreed with me as shouts and protests ensued.

"Silence." He spoke lowly, yet it was enough to freeze everyone.

"Now where was I? Ah yes, My name is Draneeve and I have come to save you all." He spread his arms as his robes fluttered in a non-existent breeze.

"You see, I come from a land far far away. This land is an extremely cruel place for the weak. Yes, I'm talking about you. The ones who are considered to be 'Elite' here, who are looked upon as the future of the continent. From where I come from you are. Nothing. But. Trash" He mocks.

"That being said, I made this long and arduous journey to prepare those I deem to be worthy, so that when my lord inevitably becomes this continents new ruler, they will have a place in his kingdom rather than being thrown away like the trash you are."

I looked around, and to my surprise some were considering it.

Damn traitors!

"To those who stand in front of me today, congratulations on being the ones chosen to be honored pawns of the new ruler of this continent. Lukiyah, step forth and show them a glimpse of your new found power."

Who now?

The figure who had been holding the Student Council President stepped forward, passing his gaze over us as if searching for someone.

He stopped as his gaze fell over Elijah, and removed the hood.

It was without a doubt Lucas Wykes.

He pulls the Student Council President's head up by her hair as he started licking her face, going from her neck to her ear before stopping and sending a wink towards Elijah.


And I jumped away just in time to dodge a black metal spike that broke through the ground.

"What the hell Elijah?!" He didn't respond, rather his shoulder slumped down and his head hunched forward.

Without a word he advanced forward and placed his palm against the transparent barrier, as black flames shrouded his hand.

In an instant the entire barrier melted, and I shivered involuntarily.

What is this?

How did he suddenly get so powerful.

I stood transfixed at the view in front of me.

He casted his blacks spikes so fast that anyone that even tried to come near him was instantly skewered.

I clenched my chest and my vision blurred, as I felt fear grip my heart.

I gasped in breaths, yet it felt like nothing went in.

TBATE- A force to be reckoned withTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang