A dead world

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Everywhere I went, I only saw death and destruction. And ice, a lot of ice. I could vaguely recognize the city I was in, but how did all this happen? Who is behind this?

More importantly, where is Arthur?

I couldn't sense his presence, could he have already been 'reincarnated?'

[No, I sense him. It's weak, but it's definitely there.]


[He's coming right here, in fact.]


[He probably sensed you falling into his world.]


I sighed, it was becoming a hassle explaining and convincing people about my circumstances.

Not much later I could sense a very faint mana signature approaching us.

'This is worrying.'

[His mana signature isn't fluctuating, so he isn't close to death, but his weak signature suggests something worse.]

I silently began moving in his direction, what had happened here?




'Where is he?'

[He's definitely nearby...]

'He's so close I feel like he's right in front of me.'


'What is it Phanes?' I said, sensing his surprise.

[Fayden, enter Shadowsoul for a moment.]


[Just do as I say.]

I sighed, 'Fine.'

Familiar silver runes adorned my body, my eyes gained a familiar black sclerae, and I could see.

"Wha-what?! How? Why are you a spectre Arthur?"

He smiled sadly, "I knew you would come, fate didn't lie."

"What are you talking about? What the hell happened here?!"

"Follow me, it's not safe here."

"Wait, Arthur-"


"I have too many questions." I said as I sat across from him, "First off, why are you like this?"

"Isn't it obvious? I died."


"It's better if I show you." He pointed his fingers at me, glowing with aetheric energy.

I nodded slowly, "Go ahead."

3rd Person POV :

"What is the meaning of this Claire?!"

"Eliminate target." Her voice sounded hollow.

"She cannot hear you, Arthur Leywin." Agrona spoke through Sylvie. "I thought you were familiar with killing your friends?"

"Shut up Agrona. I swear I'll rip you apart for this!"

Claire appeared in front of Arthur, her sword billowing grey flames.

Dawn's Ballad crackled with aether as it countered her weapon.

"Claire! Fight back against his control! This is not you!"

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