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These last 3 years have been spent on completing our assimilation, and I could feel that I was close to finishing. Today we take the final step to becoming a fully fledged beast tamer.

Aa I got ready to head out I heard Art scream.

So they're at it again?
Seriously find a different way to wake him up will ya? I wake up to his screams almost everyday. He's become like an alarm clock for me.


I head to the courtyard not wanting to hear their bickering.

"Morning" I greet Grandpa Virion as I reach the courtyard.

"Morning brat"

Arthur arrived a few minutes later.

"You're finally awake eh? How did your wife wake you up today? Haha!" Grandpa said to Art while sipping his tea.

"Wife? I didn't know you could marry demons. You've turned her into a monster Gramps." Came his sarcastic reply.

"Now come on Art don't insult the demons." That earned me an augmented pinch on my forearm.

"OwOwOw! Sorry princess." that just led her to pinch me harder.

"Tess, I mean Tess. Calm down it was only a joke!"

Damn that hurt more than I expected.

Looking to the side I see Arthur and gramps amused at my suffering.


"Haha! Are you ready, Art, Fay, today is the day you finally become beast tamers.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaim while Art just nods at him.

"Do you two remember the basic phases of beast tamers?"

Me and Art nod at each other before speaking.

"All beast tamers have a number of phases they can use depending on the strength of the beast whose will they possess." Art spoke first.

"The first phase is 'Acquire', in which the tamer can use a small portion of the beast. The second phase, 'Integrate' where the tamers body is completely infused with the beast will giving them much more control over the beasts abilities. This also leads to changes in physical appearance." I complete the explanation.

"Absolutely correct! The phases a beast tamer can use shows their mastery over their beast's will. The stronger the beast will, the harder it is to gain mastery over it. Only if the tamer gets insight can he advance past the first phase. However the Integrate phase is not necessarily stronger than the Acquire phase. In the acquire phase you tap into a specific ability of the beast while in the Integrate phase one gets a all-encompassing power-up by using their beast will." He explained, his face dead serious.

"What I didn't tell you earlier was how a beast's will is acquired. If a beast is killes with its core still intact with it's will, a mage can absorb it and gain insight. Such type of beast tamers are considered forged tamers. While this is an easier way to gain a beast will the chances of gaining insight is extremely rare and limited. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to achieve the Integrate phase is because I'm a forged tamer myself. But you Arthur , you and Fayden are extremely rare legacy trainers, where the beast willingly imparts its will to you."

"My first phase doesn't really do much, I become a bit faster and am able to erase a bit of my presence and blend into shadows. Neither of you have seen my 2nd phase right? So watch carefully what took me over 10 years to achieve."

As he said that a powerful surge of mana surrounded his body before being absorbed again.

His skin turned black with his sclera turning black and irises glowing yellow. He also formed two ear like projections on his head. His hair came untied and shone a black hue. Art shuddered and stepped back.

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