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A/N : Some of you might say that Fay was too brutal, considering these were school bullies, but remember 'There are no mistakes,' -Master Oogway


Vincent rushed in front of me, blocking my path with his arm, "Run! Run before someone gets critically injured!"

"Th-They're just kids Fayden, lets just move past this," He whispered to me.

"Look at the old man trying to protect the kid, how embarrassing," The same guy mocked us.

Shall I show you what this 'Kid' is capable of?

"Move Uncle," I speak, making him shiver in fright.

"I'll handle this," the green haired kid said, holding a metal rod to use as a weapon.

He lunges towards me with the rod raised for a diagonal slash.

His face meets my fist in supersonic speed, to the untrained eye it would seem he just dropped unconscious.

"You little shit! Don't get cocky just because you caught him off guard!" The blond haired brat yells.

Grabbing his own rod he rushes forward, "I'll show you the difference between a peasant and a real noble trained in the way of the sword!"

He zigzags around me, intending to confuse me with his speed.

Unfortunately for him I was much faster.

Coming to a stop right in front of me he intends to stab me with the rod, as if it was a dagger.

Craning my neck, I avoid his blow grabbing the metal rod and delivering a kick to his temple sending him crashing to the wall.

My ways could be considered brutal, especially considering the broken nose and teeth I gave to the first one and the almost cracked skull to the second, but I was too angry to care.

The orange haired one, their so called leader smirks at me, "Cocky peasant,"

You're one to speak.

He drops his crowbar and gets into a brawling stance, but freezes under the bloodlust I was leaking.

He lunges towards me, but I don't stand around this time, no.

My leg muscles tense as I too rush at him, fist raised.

Just as it seemed collision was imminent, I disappeared from his line of sight.

Appearing behind him, I don't give him any time to react.

Grabbing his head I whisper, "How's that for fun?"

Before smashing his face on the hard ground, hard enough to form a small crater.

Eh, he'll live.

Turning back to my companions I see two of them look at me in fear, while Arthur Looked worried and Sylvie only curious.

That...was a bit too brutal you know?

I know Zeke, I know...

"Lets go," I say, my voice much more normal now.

But it seems the dumbass has a few more tricks under his sleeve as I feel mana condensing behind me.

Glancing back I see a spell headed our way.

Ready to react I prepare my mana to conjure a shield.

But before I could an ice wall formed behind us, protecting us from the spell.

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