The Fallen

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My footsteps echoed in the halls as I walked to the training area in the castle.

Hopefully they will be there.

As I neared the fields, the sounds of sparring became more prominent.

The clashing of metal, the chants of spells, I could hear them clearly now.

Light assaulted my vision as I exited the dimly lit corridors, taking a few moments to adjust to the intense light as I took a look around me.

Owen was facing off against an axe-wielding human mage, and Brandon was busy deflecting arrows from an elf.

They were both initial silver mages.

Were these the ones Virion found?

'It's a possibility.'

The axe-wielding man had a brown mop of hair, darker than what I had. With every swing of his axe the very earth trembled, and at one point, he opened up a fissure in the ground by striking it.

The elf was female and looked a lot like Tessia, gunmetal silver hair and long ears. The only difference being her red eyes.

Her arrows whistled through the air, drawing a small tornado behind them.

They're like missiles.

I walked up to Claire, who was observing them fight while leaning on her rapier, the dagger sheathed by her waist.

"Are they the recruits sent by Virion?"

She nodded, "Yes, and they show promise. They are strong enough to take on Owen and Brandon even though they are using the artifact you gave us."

"Good, we need strong mages."

"Shall I break them off?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No, I want to see who wins."

'Why aren't they using their offensive spells?'

'I don't know, Zeke.'

From what I had seen, Brandon has only been defending, and Owen hasn't used a single attack spell.

Are they stalling until they run out of mana?

I would get my answer soon enough.

Owen and Brandon shared a glance with each other, nodding ever so subtly.

Now that grabbed my attention.

With the bottom of his scythe Owen tapped the ground, freezing the area in a ten metre radius around him.

Raising the scythe above his head, he brought it down, stabbing the ground.

The ice cracked and splintered, rising from the ground by the force of his strike.

The two newcomers looked in confusion as Owen smirked.

Brandon covered his fist in a thick coating of wind mana, and punched the air.

An ear splitting sound followed as his punch broke the sound barrier.

But that was not the end of it.

The shards of ice that were mid air shot out towards their opponents, a massive gale accompanying them.

Panicking, the elf tried to counter it with her own wind spell, but her spell fizzled out due to the scarcity of mana. The axe-wielder tried to raise the ground to form a shield, but only managed to raise it up to his knees.

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