Friendly training.

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Eventually I managed to get a hold of myself and rein in my more chaotic emotions.

"Man that was morbid." I seem to have taken Arthur by surprise by my sudden cheery tone as he stares at me baffled.

"Anyways, I really should go. You need your rest, and I need to get back to the dorm before facing detention."

He chuckles lightly at this and mutters something along the lines of 'Only you can go from depressed to cheery that fast.'

Cracking a smile at his not-so-inaccurate analogy I walk to the door.

Zeke, you can stay here if you want but there is no longer a need for you to stand guard.


He stutters, disoriented by the indirect onslaught of emotions by our bond.

I'm saying that its up to you if you want to keep guarding him or if you want to come to my dorm room.

O-Oh...yeah I'm coming with you.


Stopping at the door I turn around.

This feels awfully nostalgic...

"And Arthur..."


"Thank you."

I leave immediately but not before noticing a wide smile on his face.


"Sup," I say, opening the door to my dorm room.

"How did you even know I was in here?"

"You've got a long way before you are able to hide yourself from me Nate,"

"Well I wasn't really masking it."

"I would hope not, I could tell you were here before even entering the building." (Idk does Xyrus has different buildings to serve as dormitories?)

"How? There are at least a hundred more in this building."

"And how many of them are dual elemental mages and on the same floor as my room?"

He doesn't reply for a few seconds, "Alright that's fair. But you gotta teach me how to detect the  mana attribute of a person. You're don't even have the affinities as me yet you were able to sense me."


I can't really tell him its because of my quadra-elemancy.

What's up with me today?

First that slip up with Arthur and now this?

"Y-Yeah I'll teach you that, only if you're able to beat me in a spar though."

"I'll take those odds."

"You're awfully confident." I comment.

"Err..." He scratches the back of his head, "Its-"

"Relax, its alright to be a bit optimistic, just try not to take on someone out of your league."

"So you're saying you're that much stronger than me?" He asks skeptically.

Flashing him a cheeky grin I reply, "That's exactly what I'm saying."

"You little!" He struggles to hold in his frustration.

"Fine, tomorrow. Training room 2. You. Me. Spar." He said through gritted teeth.

Huh? Did I strike a nerve or something?

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